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Comment Re:Bad science (Score 1) 198

Of course all those billions are wrong, but you and your disbelief are correct.

It is an undeniable fact that mankind, at least most people, are inexplicably religious and believe lots of stuff outside of the realm of science.

Having more people beleive a particular thing has no influence on how true or untrue it is.
I beleive what I can observe, or what others observe and describe to me as long as it meets the scientific method. That is, is the experience repeatable? Can it be explained in a way that does not invalidate other verified observations (which themselves have been explained in a scientific way)? etc...

That makes you a worshiper of science.

Science is not a "thing". You can't worship science any more than you can worship art or engineering. In any case, what good would worshipping science be since science won't gain anything from my worship and I won't gain anything from my worship?

Carl Sagan is now dead but now knows better than that the cosmos he was measuring through science is all there is and ever will be.

The first five words were enough. Surely you realise that saying that Carl Sagan is more knowledgeable as a corpse (or was he cremated?) sounds ridiculous to those who don't beleive in an "afterlife"? It's like me trying to convince you that Jesus has now completely decomposed and doesn't exist at all (well, the atoms that made up his body do, but not in anything near the same form) outside the minds of those who "worship" him?

The object of that war will be that city itself

Sadly, that city and the surrounding area are already the subject of wars. And the people fighting those wars are following their beleifs so blindly that they can't see the futility.

Comment Re:Bad science (Score 2, Insightful) 198

One of the biggest and most improbable is the existence of Israel against all odds, exactly as it has been foretold thousands of years ago will happen.

Firstly, it is very possible that the people who instated Israel as a state were influenced by the prophesy of it's existence.
Secondly, Asteroids have hit before and will hit again, it is only the size of the asteroid and time from now until the hit that are variable.
Third, The bible is anecdote and not a good historical record. Therefore any "prophesies" within cannot be independantly verified and "The bible is right because it says so in the bible" is very flawed logic.
Finally, the reason that Jerusalem is so contentious is because of superstitious people putting too much faith in a book. There is absolutely nothing special about Jerusalem other than the billions of people who think that it is "holy" and cry out when zoning changes are made.
Do not confuse scientific predictions with mythology, they are not the same thing.

Comment Re:Maybe the measurements are wrong or incomplete (Score 1) 436

Or all the planets 1 through 1000.

That's right, if we observe n planets, and there are still at least (n - 1) * 1000 planets that are unobserved, then the 1 in 1000 model might still be correct!

That is, even if every single one of the 1000 planets that we observe display a "1 in 1000" characteristic, the next 999,000 we see might not show that characteristic and therefore hold up the "1 in 1000", or we might go 1,000,000 planets seeing it, and then the next 999,000,000 without...

Comment Re:.. with one of their trademark images .. (Score 1) 94

DSL Modem is going through a firewall/router that's not set up to forward BT ports? I'm not familiar with your setup, but in my experience dialup was always straight to the computer (windows firewall etc, where Azureus could ask for permission) where DSL was usually on a LAN setup with a router (which usually contains a builtin firewall)...

Comment Re:Feedback (Score 1) 167

I agree.

If you get busted stealing, then your account gets "suspended" while you're in jail (but you have to keep paying your subscription). Repeat offense = longer sentence. Perhaps lighter sentences for lower level thieves to allow people to "get into" thievery.

This makes it very unattractive to become a thief, but mirrors real life better. Unfortunately, it may make the game a lot less fun.

Shopkeepers spend their MMO time (which they pay for) gathering items, maintaining their shop etc, why shouldn't punishments for thieves be real-world too?

Comment Re:High Thrust, High Specific Impulse (Isp) (Score 1) 168

we seem to be devolving

Are you suggesting that our present species is less advanced than we will be in the future? How do you measure the (evolutionary) advancement of a species? Are we (humans) more advanced than bats, bees, hummingbirds, dolphins, extremophiles etc, etc? Devolving implies that we are getting worse, but with no way of telling worse vs better, the statement is meaningless.

In any case, if the species is "devolving" (presumably this means a measurably lower average intelligence across the population over a long period of time), you won't be alive long enough to notice so it really makes no difference anyway. You (as an individual in the population) also have a negligible impact on the average intelligence of the populace as a whole, particularly if (as you suggest with the word "devolving") the decline is genetic.

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