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Comment Re:Not this time (Score 1) 203

Yeah, but considering the nature of Borderlands, many of us didn't think there would be dedicated servers. Left4Dead proved the small coop dedicated server style viable, but I just don't see people hosting public dedicated borderlands servers. Just seems to be a different situation than your traditional shooters.

Comment Re:Not surprising. (Score 1) 219

The problem with Astrology is it presents a causal relationship with only some correlational evidence. Some of what you presented is an example of possible correlational evidence that astrology may claim. They actually claim a ton more, and those relationships arn't surprising considering the amazingly high amount of variables available in the night sky. There is no evidence of a causal relationship, however, and most signs indicate there isn't.

To bring it back to what I was originally talking about. Yes, the earth's position in relationship to the sun and human development are correlationaly related. The reason why we use years as a mark however, is that they're a convenient unit of measurement. The studies of Human Development are what actually drive those decisions. Astrology of course is not a convenient way to measure things. Sometimes I wonder if Astrologers even understand what the hell is going on with that shit.

Comment Re:Not surprising. (Score 1) 219

Because there are general ages that are pegged within brain development and rational thinking. While these ages aren't set in stone and some individuals never truly do get to that point of rationality, if you want to draw a line you have to draw it somewhere.

Now does astrology have any scientific basis like developmental psychology does?

Comment Re:VAC (Score 1) 203

There is no inherent claim that this is a representative sample. The picture is an example of a self selected group of the population who announced their desires to boycott the game. Then those people did not boycott the game, indicating a ton of noise but no substance. Your analogy would be applicable if you included people who never announced their intentions to boycott the game, but these guys certainly did. Its not as if joining steam groups is compulsory or done without the individuals consent.

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