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Comment Re:What if I write notes in the margins of a book? (Score 1) 223

BSD code is commonly incorporated in GPL works and the BSD licensed portions remain BSD. The work as a whole has to be distributed as GPL but any BSD components can be extracted from the source and otherwise distributed under BSD terms. This goes for any other component included under a GPL-compatible license. GPL-compatibility doesn't mean those components are "converted" or "relicensed" because copyright law doesn't allow that in the first place. GPL-compatibility is simply the lack of additional constraints the GPL doesn't impose. BSD works are also often incorporated into closed binaries but this still doesn't relicense the BSD source. You generally can't incorporate one of those in your source files either.

Comment Re:Like everywhere else it's been tried... (Score 4, Informative) 732

The evidence is that the amount of money that can be saved by various tort reform laws is approximately 2%:

Even that article doesn't quantify the costs caused by what it calls "defensive medicine". These are tests and procedures done a doctor covering his ass rather than trying to diagnose and treat evident conditions.

Comment Re:What do you want? (Score 5, Interesting) 100

I haven't tried it in about a year and half but the killer for me is complete support for LOCAL metadata embedded in tags. I've taken the trouble to find high quality artwork and lyrics for as much of my collection as possible. I've embedded this in id3 tags and for the bit of vorbis in my collection the tags they have. If a media player I'm trying to use goes searching the net first for this information and disregarding the tags that are RIGHT IN THE FUCKING MUSIC FILE then I don't have a use for it. Amarok 1.4 could be fixed with plugins but these plugins of course didn't work in 2.x. What's more, 2.x has extensively rich functionality for pulling this information from the net and sticking it in it's database (pray it does so correctly) but neither reads or (fully) writes the tags I put considerable effort into putting correct information into.

It should also be possible to display the artwork and lyrics along with the rest of the application's interface in a usable way. No four clicks to get to the lyrics.

Yes, yes, yes, Amarok does use the tags for Artist, Album, Track Name, etc. But like MANY players it doesn't (or least didn't?) even attempt to look in the metadata tags for artwork and lyrics. Guayadeque gets this right and Songbird/Nightingale also get this right if the excellent MLyrics plug-in is installed. I haven't found much else in Linux/BSD that does. Incidentally, someone else mentioned MPD. That doesn't handle this either.

Comment Re:Pass. (Score 1) 218

The Berzerk sequel Frenzy is a Colecovision fave of mine. Aside from Donkey Kong, Coleco didn't get many of the top tier arcade licenses back in the day but they did get licenses for many of the offbeat arcade games. Ladybug, Looping, Mousetrap, and Venture are examples of these and the Colecovision ports were very good. Like the 2600, the Colecovision gets lots of homebrew love as well. Take an hour out with an emulator and snag a few roms. I was a 2600 kid myself but I played a lot of Coleco at friends' houses and loved quite a few of those games.

BTW, the Wii has a good emulator available for jailbroken consoles.

Comment Re:This is just one facet of the problem... (Score 1) 564

In those countries, they don't hand those stipends out for just being alive in breathing. They have systems that pretty much only hand them out to people who will take proper advantage of the opportunity. They also don't have the problems we do when it comes to being "elitist" and identifying the kids who are good at math and science and getting them ready for those stipends.

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