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Comment Re:Oh, Lamar Smith... (Score 2) 134

There was a concerted effort on the part of some in the Internet community to raise money for his challengers in the primary this May, notably Richard Morgan. Unfortunately, the Internet is dominated by slacktivists, unwilling to put their money where their mouths are.

Not enough money was raised to mount a significant challenge to Smith.

Comment Re:Quite Obvious, Even to Me (Score 1) 344

Not so much time travel as paratime (crosstime) travel. It was explorers from a timeline where the Thera supervolcano had not exploded, the Minoan civilization was not destroyed, The scientific method was formulated 1,500 years early and progress was not interrupted by the thugs of Assyria, Roman short-sightedness, nor the barbarians from the steppe.

Fortunately (or maybe not so fortunately) for us, they took one look at the state of the world then, and decided to stick to uninhabited timelines like the one where the Toba catastrophe had caused H. Sap to go extinct.

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