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Comment Re:Heh, that is a nice way to reframe it (Score 1) 891

That's an explanation, not a solution - and tends to support the parent poster's argument.

I wasn't trying to solve anything.

It fundamentally IS NOT RELEVANT what technical arguments can be made to support a particular design, if the upshot is that that design DOES NOT DELIVER a functional system.

Where 'functional' in this case means 'the system should at all times work with currently shipping bulk-retail hardware.'

I don't think that any os works at all times with current hardware, hell, I've had just about as much problems with wireless cards in windows as in linux.

It just doesn't matter what technical reasons may or may not hold why Linux doesn't work with Currently Selling Widget X. If it does not work for User Z with Currently Selling Widget X, then that's a bug and needs to be fixed.

Sure it does, but kernel devs are superman and can't write drivers for all hardware instantly and thats why people use ndiswrapper, its a temporary fix
I think the OP's main problem was that he was using an unstable distro, if he were to use a distro that doesn't upgrade the kernel as much, then he/she would have a much better experience

Comment Re:GUIs only: regressions, stability, low standard (Score 1) 891

If it's open source and *doesn't* have a GUI, it's probably fantastic. My email, programming, backups, version control etc. is all open source and I wouldn't have it any other way.

But as soon as you add a GUI and plug in a monitor, the quality drops away and things start to get iffy. What happened with KDE4, for example, was unacceptable. You can't just dump everything and expect users to accomodate that.

Actually it was the distro maintainers that did that to the users, the KDE 4 team made it quite clear that it wasn't ready yet.

And stability. A lot of open source apps are fantastic but they have rough edges - little bugs and issues. The way media managers like Rhythmbox and Amarok handle an iPod, for example: sometimes I get weird errors about mounting the iPod, or it doesn't behave properly when there's no free space left, and other little issues. They may not be show stoppers, but they're enough to give you a bad impression. The quality just isn't quite there.

Its not like Apple goes out of its way to make sure iPods only work with itunes or anything

And you know what the worst part is? This isn't getting any better. Open source GUIs are about the same quality now as they were a decade ago. Sure they're more capable, but all the rough edges are still there and don't seem to be going away. I've been using desktop Linux since Redhat 5.2 and I can honestly say the standards and general incompleteness, relative to the competition, are about the same today as they were back then.

I still use Linux on my desktop but I'm tempted to buy a Mac next time and use it as a front-end, while keeping all the 'real' stuff on a Linux box. But I don't want to manage two computers if I can help it. Ho hum.

I find it hard to believe that F/OSS GUIs haven't changed at all in a decade, perhaps you can give some examples?

Comment Re:Heh, that is a nice way to reframe it (Score 1) 891

Are you smoking something? Obviously since not all hardware works in linux then the way kernel handles drivers is out dated and busted. There are 2 reasons why the OP's wireless card didn't work very well, the first reason is that a lot of hardware companies don't make drivers for linux and so you have to use hacks to get the windows drivers working in linux.

The second reason is that Ubuntu is an unstable distro, which means that the software gets updated a lot, including the kernel. The way ndiswrapper works, is that part of it, is a userland app and another part of it is a kernel modue. The kernel module has to be recompiled every time you upgrade your kernel because of the way ndiswrapper is designed.

Comment Re:And in future news... (Score 1) 429

Pain-free soldiers could take the suffering out of war... Pain-free Asian children could take the suffering out of Nike shoes... I don't want to sound like a douche or anything, but I became vegitarian (not vegan though) a few months ago, and except for a few exceptions for fish, I've stuck to it pretty tight. I'll joke about the Nirvana lyric 'its ok to eat fish because they don't have any feelings', but this is kind of just a step too far. Yeah, I think its somewhat ghoulish to find nourishment in the chard flesh and dead animals

Because there is no protein in meat obviously.

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