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Comment Re:Focuses on Interfaces to Ease the Pain (Score 1) 297

As ShadowRangerRIT pointed out, you can simply unzip the MSI. Additionally, if you've ever installed anything on Windows, there's a really high likelihood you've used .msi packages whether you knew it or not. Most larger commercial installers package an .msi in a self extracting executable. Check out Wise installer, Advanced Installer, or Install Shield and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Comment Re:So.. (Score 1) 274

What do you mean? Giving TWC a monopoly has resulted in fantastic internet competition. Allowing a company to generate rains at will to help farmers out in droughts will never be abused by money hungry companies.


If you didn't catch the sarcasm above...please leave the internetses now.

Comment Re:How gimmicky is this 3D stuff? (Score 2, Insightful) 296

I'll try to be less inflammatory than the other guy, but I've got to agree with his basic point. It really bothers me when people use their 'smart' phones during a movie...even on the lowest setting. Unfortunately, my girlfriend is one of these people, and I've asked her several times to stop...all she does is point out that it's on the lowest brightness setting.

Comment Re:Only 40Gb/month? (Score 1) 394

How did this get modded redundant? I think it points out the absurdity of capping bandwidth perfectly. It's not as though the amount/month is a scarce resource. It's the speed that's scarce, so it's the speed on which they should impose limits.

You want 10 megabit connection? You'll pay more than the guy using a 1.5 megabit connection. That makes sense. This bullshit of limiting/month and charging overages is just a scam to generate a revenue stream. It's completely absurd and TW needs to get a beat down from the FTC on this one.

Comment Re:Only 40Gb/month? (Score 1) 394

I'm in that same situation...I've opted for the DSL...fuck TimeWarner. I've been without their cable for three years now and I couldn't be happier about it. They wanted $150/room to install know...on those cable lines that were already existing in my house.

I'm just hoping the DSL is sufficient to watch my Netflix on.

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