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Comment Re:I'd rather have 4/36 (Score 1) 1055

>>Also the repayment of the debt is a flat rate on all earnings, that increases depending on gross earnings.

That is why rational tax systems don't apply higher rates on all earnings, but only to the next dollar earned. That way, every dollar earned results in more take-home pay.

It is kind of funny that the Australian UNIVERSITY debt system failed both math and logic.
Probably more a reflection on the intelligence of lawmakers than of university types.

Comment Re:I'd rather have 4/36 (Score 5, Interesting) 1055

>>(Hey, most of the last 10% is taxes anyway, right)
Not Right.
The idea that at a certain point, the govt takes most of your earnings in taxes is an urban legend.
For anybody working by the hour, there is no "tipping point" where the govt keeps most of each additional dollar - it is just untrue.

>>If everyone did this (4x9hr days), we could avoid tons of layoffs nationwide.
A company can avoid layoffs by cutting hours and pay.
If everybody at every company had their hours and pay cut, their bills remain the same, so the workers' spendable income after covering expenses is either gone or greatly reduced - You have just created a recession.

Comment Re:poor code cannot be fixed with hardware (Score 1) 465

So sorry, I thought we were discussing the merits of throwing more hardware at bad code.
I had not realized this was the discussion for the semantics of the word "optimization."
Bitter experience has taught me that performance must start with design optimization, long before code optimization.

Sorry for the snarl, I have been working 6 weeks on "optimizing" a rather critical piece of code where performance was a complete afterthought.
We have managed to speed it up by an order of magnitude, but poor performance is "baked in" to the design at every level, so there is only so much we can do.

Comment Re:poor code cannot be fixed with hardware (Score 1) 465

If the first time you ever address performance is by "measuring what's slow", then performance was indeed an afterthought - after design, after coding, after testing.

If you only start thinking about performance that late in the game, your design will probably include more than one peformance degrading decision that is just too painful to rewrite.

Comment poor code cannot be fixed with hardware (Score 1) 465

As a database guy, I would say that:
Database locking issues with a poor design won't be fixed no matter how much hardware you throw at it, it will just lock up faster.
Database structures are one of the first products of development, and many (most) developers just try to model the data without any thought to performance.
The other terrible mistake that many coders make is to process records and fields one at a time instead of using bulk operations.

The old saw about "Premature Optimization is Evil" is false:
Making performance a late afterthought guarantees doom that no amount of hardware can fix.

Comment Re:Thank God! (Score 1) 414

When it is busy at the post office, they go on break, the line be damned. Employees just wander around behind the counter in full view of the long long lines - there is no urgency at all.

All the big retailers schedule extra help during busy business times. When it is extra busy at any modern store, they call all the employees to the cash registers - even the managers will man the registers when it is busy.

Say what you want about private enterprise, but it is hard to argue that they don't care about taking your money! If the guy down the street is better at taking your money, he will do it and the first guy will improve or go out of business.

With government, there is no guy down the street to push for improvement. It is that simple.

Submission + - SPAM: dental implants mississauga-dental crowns

creatingsmiles writes: "Cosmetic dentistry is all about creating a gorgeous smile on your face. As we all are aware that one's features play a very significant part our lives. Most of the individuals feel that smile is the first and foremost thing which anyone notices on a person and that smile takes much of the part in having any personal and professional decisions. Veneers are simply a thin layer or coverings that are used on teeth to accurate and imperfection that may be noticeable to the bare eye. So if an individuals who have certain imperfections on the teeth that are noticeable to the bare eyes, they must take steps to accurate the state by means of veneers. If we have spaces in our teeth, or if our tooth is vaguely bust, stained or in a bad form dentists can use veneers to accurate the state. If we occur to be residing in a city like Mississauga, then we are very lucky as we can have access to the most excellent dentists that are operating in the city if we occur to suffer from any type of dental imperfection. Veneers Mississauga is ideal means of accurate different kinds of dental imperfections that an individual may have. If we occur to be affliction from any type of dental imperfection, the first thing which we need to do is to look for appointment with a dentist. Keep in mind it is eternity better for us to see the dentist before the situation becomes complexity for treatment. After checking the patient's condition dentist might ask them to undergo any treatment which a patient should be sure to do that. Relating veneers on teeth is a very simple chore for the dentist. The major cause for this is the truth that this function mostly does not need to give any type of anesthesia to the patient. Porcelain veneers, a type of veneers can be efficiently utilized to mask any staining which may be present on our teeth. Veneers are very much resistant next to all types of discoloration that are formed by certain food substances. So after relating veneers on our teeth we can securely take food substances like tea, coffee and wine without too much of a constraint. However we must make sure that just since we have applied veneers does not signify that we can indulge in eating all these food substances. Vast progressions have been made in the field of dentistry and in current times approximately any kind of dental imperfection can be cured without any difficulty. In reality there is no ground for us to not work towards perfecting your smile. Through the utilization of veneers and the other curing measures available everything can be treated properly. If we take appropriate care of our teeth and pursue certain basic rules for having vigorous teeth we would never meet any type of dental difficulties. After all this is our teeth and we must make certain that they are in high-quality state and help us to guide a healthy life.For more information about creatingsmilesca please visit [spam URL stripped]"
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Submission + - Craigslist being ruined by flaggers?

jimmer63 writes: After many times buying and selling fine on Craigslist, I've just had my first skirmish with the Craigslist flaggers. Apparently if you piss off one user they can flag your ad for deletion, even of it doesn't violate the Terms of Usage but does "offend" the community. After a bit of research, I realize that I'm not the only one who has had problems. Has anyone else run into these abuses? Does Craigslist even admit a problem? In the wide world of Slashdot, do we have any solutions?

Comment Re:Bike to work (Score 1) 1806

Biking is good. Be more than careful - a few drivers are hostile to sharing the road and most won't notice you. Cut carbohydrate consumption - high carb consumption makes you fat in the middle. Diabetes is an occupational risk for programmers as we get older. Many of the fat programmers my age (50) are diabetic. Another good reason to cut carbohydrates and increase exercise.

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