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Comment Re:Why always mention "terrorism?" (Score 1) 506

As an ordinary citizen, the question of terrorism is not anywhere near the top of my list of questions regarding "how" or "why" an accident may have occurred...

The words following the comma in the above sentence demonstrate that the words before the comma are false.

Or, perhaps, maybe the problem is with me? Should I learn to be more afraid?

Oh, no, there's no problem with you. But that, in an of itself, would make you far from ordinary... and is probably untrue. What I should have more accurately said was, "the problem [referring specifically to this one] isn't with you". Doubtless you're as screwed up as the rest of us, just in ways that aren't relevant to the topic at hand.

Comment Re:Cabin Baggage? (Score 1) 506

If I ever have to do an emergency evacuation and the guy in front of me has his cabin baggage with him (like we see in some of those pictures) I'm gonna throw it into the fire.

I do hope the widow/children/survivors of the guy whose life-saving medicine you threw in the fire manage to get a substantial reward from the court. I'd hope for at least a criminal manslaughter charge, too, but that might be more difficult to get. With any luck, you'll die before this situation comes up and no one will have to be harmed by how obviously huge an asshole you are...

Comment Re:No Cartwheeling (Score 1) 506

...people interpret what they see; rather than just say what they saw.

The mistake some people make is in assuming the latter is even possible without doing the former. Optical illusions are possible because even the most immediate mental image of what's before you eyes at the very moment is an interpretation in your mind of what you think your eyes are telling you. Perception necessarily involves interpretation.

Comment Re:No Cartwheeling (Score 1) 506

But how do you deal with people who don't know what "yaw" means?

First, you ask them which axis it rotated around while avoiding the terms they're unfamiliar with, like "roll" (in the technical sense), "pitch" and "yaw". When they respond with obvious confusion, you go on to explain what an "axis" is and what "axis of rotation" means. If they haven't wandered away by that point but are still standing in front of you making apparent eye-contact, wave your hands to verify that they are in fact too dazed to wander off on their own and call over a paramedic.

Comment Re:Except (Score 1) 506

Or since it's an aircraft how about "rotated around it's yaw axis".

That works for this site. Your average CNN viewer isn't enough of a geek to know what "yaw" means. Heck, the majority of them will get "axis" wrong if you ask them to define it in their own words...

Comment Re:"Crashes in"? (Score 5, Informative) 506

For anyone confused by this comment, the original title of this article (before an editor stepped in and fixed it) read "Boeing 777 Crashes In San Francisco". The current title (at the time I'm posting this comment), "Boeing 777 Crashes At San Francisco Airport", is a much better description of the event without taking the mind in some horrific directions before giving the important details.

Comment Re:1988 called, they want their hysteria back (Score 1) 280

They need to focus more on addressing the root causes.

Do you even know what you are asking for? All it takes is one rogue block of people to decide, taliban style, that they want to make a statement, and there goes your airplane. You are asking for world peace - a total solution to every angry person's reason for disagreeing with any other person in a violent manner. It would be nice, but that's not going to happen. Root causes is too vague.

Actually, no, that's not what's being asked for, although this is the common invalid argument against taking positive action on something. Show that a solution won't be 100% effective, and therefore shouldn't be tried at all. That's bullshit thinking. He's not asking for "world peace", and reducing the problem is worth doing, even if it can never completely eliminate it. What you are doing is making a silly argument along the lines of "we can never completely eliminate fatal traffic accidents, so why do we even bother with traffic laws and automobile safety standards?" Because reducing the problem is a worthy goal, even if it cannot be entirely eliminated. No one is asking for world peace, that's just absurd. But equally absurd is not even trying to address root causes for these problems. It's not an all-or-nothing proposition where if we can't get it all, we should setting for nothing. We should do what we can...

Comment Re:of course... (Score 1) 280

The issue is and always will be... not detecting the weapon, but detecting the person who wishes to use it. Finding the weapon only removes one item from the intended assassins potential arsenal.

True, but it must be noted that detecting the weapon is often the easiest way to detect the person who wishes to use it. (Note: not necessarily easy, just easier that the alternatives in many cases.)

Comment Re:Poor premise (Score 1) 229

That's never stopped Apple before. "Oh, just a recompile away is a glorious land of milk and honey, here are the tools to do it, you have two months."

Adapt or die. That said, don't they usually provide an emulator for the older apps? You could run Motorola 68K-series binaries on the PowerPC Macs IIRC, they just weren't as fast as native...

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