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Comment Re:1M bail and 1yr in jail...? (Score 5, Informative) 189

He didn't say he'd forgotten it because he was simply doing what his job description told him to do. He was called into a room with a dozen people he didn't know, he refused to hand over the password to these people. When a single person (the mayor) who was authorized to know the password asked for it, he handed it over without hesitation.

Comment Re:Look deeper (Score 1, Troll) 470

1 & 2) I'm not seeing anything on bug reports or the mailing list about specific issues.
3. That's not an explanation, that's an excuse for not having an explanation. Any design is a mix of architectures, would you reject a patch for the sole reason that it used events /and/ polling?
4. RTFA: "DIB Engine : Passing all tests"
5. The code it's replacing doesn't render anything in many places. WINE would prefer a stub to a mostly working implementation? Anyway, where is this report, I see Steven Edwards has posted a single image to the bug and called it a "comparison".

Having a Prima Donna at the helm of a project is not the same as "high standards". WINE has achieved some marvelous things, but the pace of development is very slow. Making people who have contributed their time to help play guess-what-the-project-leader-wants looks like a major cause of this. How much code has gone to waste because the devs couldn't guess what was required of them?

Comment Re:"disgruntled core developer"? (Score 2, Insightful) 470

This is a working DIB engine. It integrates with the GDI layer. It has been developed at length and passes all tests, if you read the bug there are some fairly fanatical testers reporting in on the build. Providing detailed bug reports. Most bugs have been fixed. There are two outstanding issues, one is a show stopper (mouse movement chews CPU on slow machines (oddly it sounds like there's knee point below which CPU is chewed and above which no noticeable CPU is used at all)) the other is the problem: Alexandre doesn't like it and wont say why. Given the latter, why bother fixing the former?

Comment Re:Zeitgeist (Score 1) 354

That's bad logic. Few people agree 100% with the policies of their political parties.

The logic is not that you have to agree with every issue. In order to support the BNP you have to believe whatever policy you share with them outweighs the "end to non white immigration" policy. Unless the policy you share is that one. Either way it doesn't look good for you.

Since when is Al Qaeda a registered political party in the UK?

Who said anything about registered? If you declare your affiliation with a (quite possibly non existent) terrorist organisation, or with a bunch of racist thugs, you are going to find it hard to get into the police force. By making the official policy "No BNP members" the police cut down on paperwork. There would be much more paperwork involved in turning down individual applications to the police based on perceived racism that there would be turning down the application of a teacher for perceived pedophilia if they belong to a pedophile ring.

Comment Re:Zeitgeist (Score 1) 354

You have it backwards. They are barred from certain jobs because being a member of the party deemed to extreme by Oswald Mosley's Nazi party is good evidence of racism. Even if the BNP are the only party that agree with your policy on chewing gum disposal and so you join them, you are still saying you don't have a problem with their bashing immigrants policy.

This is not done due to a distaste for their opinions, but due to the fact that they are genuinely dangerous. I think you'd find the police would turn down job applications from anyone writing Al Queada under "Political Affiliation" on the form.

Comment Re:Two words: Capitalism Failed (Score 1) 591

I should perhaps have been more clear. I was mocking Biggjeff5's argument, whereby he claimed that the things wrong with capitalism were not failures of capitalism. Buying and selling politicians is just as capitalist as recruitment, the emphasis placed on trading is the failure of capitalism. Markets should be used as a tool of society, not treated as society's master.

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