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Comment Where's the "Cloud" (Score 1) 187

I RTFA'd and the word "Cloud" is not mentioned *once* except as a caption on the first article summary, not in any of the actual text. Aparently its gotten to the point where we just put the word "Cloud" on anything we want (to make it "kewl" ?) As for "Cloud Computing" being "boring" and a bunch of UI's ... I disagree. I've been working on Amazon EC2 and related services for several years now and find it everything but boring. Its challenging ! Fun, interesting. Having to work around its limits and discover what it is and isnt good at is a fresh experience after 30 of traditional computing. I can see why there are jobs openings, its *not easy* to do well.

Comment Why is this a big deal ? (Score 1) 48

Why the hell do we need a new browser to do ":Social Networking" ? I watched the video and so totally dont get it maybe I'm just past my years ... But whats the point ? All the social networking sites have perfectly fine apps and plugins that work with existing browsers and devices why on earth would anyone switch to a new browser for this ? The way browsers are nowadays its like switching to a new OS just to use Facebook ... Is the world insane ? People actually invested time and money on this concept ? WTF?

Comment Re:How to access programatically (Score 1) 217

What I was meaning is this. Just because someone found 2 serial port connectors on the iphone connector, that doesnt necessarily mean that this is exposed through the kenral up to the device level. Reguardless of what they are called (and I'm from the age when they were /dev/tty1 /dev/tty2 ... ) is there in fact charactor devices of some name you can access from an iphone app to make use of these serial ports. If not its entirely unimportant that they exist and its just wishful thinking that you could use an iphone as a 'full computer' just because someone found 2 pins that say TX/RX on them.

Comment Re:Liberal Socialist Propaganda (Score 1) 659

This is so obviously a Liberian socialist bit of propaganda it makes me puke. For one the assumption is that "Feeling sorry for other people having problems" is a unambiguously good thing.

Well, yeah, it sort of is.

Very often peoples problems are self imposed.

Citation needed. And just because Jimmy stuck his hand in the door before he slammed it onto his hand doesn't mean we don't feel sorry for him, even if it was a stupid move that he brought upon himself

Wheres the questions about taking personal responsibility ? "When you see someone having problems do you think about how they may have made bad choices in the past which caused those problems ?" "Do you want to help educate them to make better decisions in their lives ?" No ... everyone with problems is a "Victim", and your supposed to "Feel Sorry" for them or your an unemphatic asshole.

I don't see how that has to do with the survey, though. And if you want to educate someone to make better decisions - eg. that you care and want to help them so that they don't suffer. In such, empathy, the very thing you decry as socialist. If you want to help them, that implies that you feel sorry for them in some fashion.

The whole thing just reeks of new-age "Make everyone feel good about themselves" psychological bullshit. With an under current of liberal socialism.

I'm not entirely sure what making people feel good has to do with liberal socialism. I was under the impression that socialism was a political philosophy that emphasized overall control through the people as a collective, not a "make everyone feel good about themselves" psychological stance. Maybe you might want to connect the dots. For the record, liberalism is a philosophy in the US that supports regulated capitalism, not socialism.

"You dont feel sorry enough for the Poor !!! Shame on you !!!" The obvious solution to everyone's problems is for us all to feel sorry for them then create massive government structures to hand out to them sympathy dollars so the problem goes away and we can feel sooo warm and fuzzy.

Well, not quite warm and fuzzy. More on the lines of, if we up the lowest common denominator, then we have a better society. We can judge a country based on its rich elites all we want, but if we look at the poverty line then, well, if that has been upped to a reasonable line then we can say we have succeeded in making a good quality of life for all. Then we won't need to feel sorry for anyone, because the collective as succeeded and as a race we have achieved success.

We send that $5/month to help the starving children in Africa so now we can feel all smug and liberal instead of addressing the actual causes of people problems.

Whoa, whoa whoa, so then, you want to say that helping African children is a bad thing? What other kind of problems do we have to deal with that is anything worse than a society that is so poor that they are literally dying of hunger? In a world where we have enough food for everyone in the world, what kind of monster do you have to be to not feel sorry for them at least a little? That's not anti-socialist, that's sociopath behavior.

Where's my puke bucket,


We send that $5/month to help the starving children in Africa so now we can feel all smug and liberal instead of addressing the actual causes of people problems.

Whoa, whoa whoa, so then, you want to say that helping African children is a bad thing? What other kind of problems do we have to deal with that is anything worse than a society that is so poor that they are literally dying of hunger? In a world where we have enough food for everyone in the world, what kind of monster do you have to be to not feel sorry for them at least a little?

No. I never aid "helping" African children is a bad thing or that I dont feel sorry for them. I said sending $5 to a big multinational organization who's trying to take advantage of my "empathy" while taking 60-90% off the top for "management expenses" without actually attempting to solve the underlying problems so that i can sooth my "whitey-guilt" is a bad thing. I'm not saying that empathy is a bad thing, but that there is an obvious agenda to this "survey" which is so badly constructed and biased its pathetic. Solution ? I cant solve africa's problems. Think Globally. Act Locally. Instead I actually have taken people into my own home and taken care of them myself and teach them how to take care of themselves. Dont fall into the brainwashing that being empathetic is some great wonderful thing by itself. Dont satisfy your guilt by giving to organizations that will claim to solve others problems but in fact just take the money for themselves. Help the people around you directly. Why is this related to liberal propaganda ? Because the modern liberal movement is about taking away personal responsibility and giving it to big government which is supposed to solve all our problems instead of letting people take personal responsibility. If we can be convinced were not as empathetic as we used to be as a society the implied suggestion is that we "need" government to do good because people are not going to on their own. This gives power to the modern liberal movement which wants big government to be responsible for everything because we cant be trusted as individuals to be good. If we can be convinced were not "good people" by ourselves then obviously we need a nanny state to take over and do it for us.

Comment Liberal Socialist Propaganda (Score 1, Flamebait) 659

This is so obviously a Liberian socialist bit of propaganda it makes me puke. For one the assumption is that "Feeling sorry for other people having problems" is a unambiguously good thing. Very often peoples problems are self imposed. Wheres the questions about taking personal responsibility ? "When you see someone having problems do you think about how they may have made bad choices in the past which caused those problems ?" "Do you want to help educate them to make better decisions in their lives ?" No ... everyone with problems is a "Victim", and your supposed to "Feel Sorry" for them or your an unemphatic asshole. The whole thing just reeks of new-age "Make everyone feel good about themselves" psychological bullshit. With an under current of liberal socialism. Your obviously supposed to feel bad about yourself if you don't score high on this test. That way the government can control you by labeling every socialiast agenda as an empathy issue. "You dont feel sorry enough for the Poor !!! Shame on you !!!" The obvious solution to everyone's problems is for us all to feel sorry for them then create massive government structures to hand out to them sympathy dollars so the problem goes away and we can feel sooo warm and fuzzy. We send that $5/month to help the starving children in Africa so now we can feel all smug and liberal instead of addressing the actual causes of people problems. Where's my puke bucket,

Comment Re:No. Try it ... (Score 2, Insightful) 236

Post back when you actually *try* to write a complex WebKit app that runs well on all the webkit platforms unchanged. WebOS / Android / iPhone Its a sheer and utter fantasy that because its "WebKit" its "write once run everywhere". Maybe someday, but not today.

Submission + - HP to Acquire Palm for $1.2 billion USD (

DalDei writes: It looks like HP is buying PALM. Officially announced on the HP website ( and on palms blog (

What does this mean for Palm Web/OS ? Will HP embrace it or kill it ?
Is HP going to drop Windows Mobile in exchange for Palm's Web/OS ?

Comment xmlsh (Score 1) 411 Syntax compatible with *nix scripts but runs in a Java VM and integrates efficiently with XML processing tools as well as standard *nix command sets. Scripting with xmlsh can perform 100x-1000x or more better running large XML data processing operations. Yes I'm biased. But yes there is hard evidence.

Comment Maybe because the kernel is "done" (Score 1) 742

Ok I know thats a teaser. No software is ever "done" ... but really, whats left in the kernal that *has* to be done? Sure there can be improvements and tweeks and supporting new devices, but thats all hard work and "engineering". Its not "sexy". I do agree that more people coming out of collage are more focused on higher levels of software, which I dont really think is 'a good thing' but OTOH is not to be unexpected. Much like people dont focus on building their own hardware or improving the C compiler much anymore. Whens the last time you heard the masses asking to make the assembler better ? When I was in collage (80's) it was an exciting challenge to write my own device driver or kernel module ... why ? I think because thats where the "edge" of development was. There were not a lot of "apps", if you wanted to do something new you had to go all the way down to the kernal level. Just to get a file to copy from one system to the other I had to write a network driver ! Nowadays the edge has moved. If your working on a GUI app you dont have to hack the kernel, if you working on a new Web (N+1) App you dont need to write your own device driver. Its already done.

Comment Incorporate (Score 1) 552

Except for the health insurance part which is expensive, the rest is FUD. You get around these laws by incorporating, then you make yourself a W2 employee of your own corporation and invoice clients corp to corp. This totally gets around all this nonsense. Did it for 15 years, its quite easy. The REAL problem with independent programming is not the laws, its the business model and complexity of modern software. I learned a long time ago that it doesnt matter how good a programmer you are, at least 80% of the software business is marketing, sales, and other business related tasks. The days of whipping up your own title at home and trying to sell it are long gone.

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