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Comment Re:Pfff... (Score 1) 1213

Your point was well stated. I'm not interested in Windows 7; I switched my core system to Ubuntu in 2007, from XP, and haven't looked back. I would like to say, however, I've never been impressed with the menu structure in any Microsoft product, especially in Office; I use WordPerfect still, and I can't see a day I'd ever consider switching to Word, or dealing with any of Microsoft's new menu systems.

Comment Re:They tried, it was called Itanium (Score 1) 532

I downloaded the Itanium manuals to check it out; I was extremely unimpressed. It's too complex, in my opinion, with too many limiting restrictions (such as the 4 register source limitation for 22- or 64-bit adding). I also can't imagine why anyone would think using a 128-bit opcode that represents up to three instructions is a good idea.

I am designing a 64-bit CPU based loosely on the 68000 (the instruction set is completely incompatible with anything currently in existence, but is very simple, yet very powerful). The advantage is that my CPU's bit width can be expanded all the way out to 262144 (256k-bit) without making any changes to the instruction set. When the bit width is expanded, simply activating the currently dormant bit size selectors is all that needs to be done. Opcodes are 64-bit, and represent only a single instruction; the instruction decoder should be very simple. It also uses sensible security concepts, without relying on anything like Intel's horrible segments. Obviously, my design will not make current industry leaders happy, but at least backward compatibility would be easier without sacrificing security.

Comment Re:not to be an asshole... (Score 1) 222

Agreed. I also hate how Windows Vista and Windows 7 renamed things for no apparent reason; there should be a direct link to "Network Connections"/"Change Adapter Settings" in the control panel window, not buried in the "Network and Sharing Center", and I can't for the life of me figure out why they changed the name in the first place; "Network Connections" makes so much more sense, in my opinion. Needless to say, I love the way Apple's Network settings are presented in the GUI; a few clicks (with a sudo prompt), and I can literally adjust to any common situation, including setting a Static IP.

Comment Re:Imminent Central Management = Wait and Fail (Score 1) 505

Well stated. I wish more people understood economics in this way. Much of what the government mandates in the market is bad for business and the economy in the long run, even if it looks like it might benefit everyone here and now. Personally, I think our economy would benefit if the government did away with all of the regulations covering the unpredictable (which usually results in excess paperwork and punishes people for the unavoidable), and carefully enforced the laws that cover larger, reasonable regulations. The founding fathers envisioned a nation where everyone takes part, and the law protects everyone equally, giving each of the three branches of the federal government oversight over the other two, and giving the citizens oversight over all three (through the voting process). I also wish more people would actually read the constitution so they can see what the federal government has the authority to do, and what is explicitly forbidden.

Comment Re:Independent studies warranted (Score 1) 542

>Actually, I don't think it does, as I stated in the other post. You're proposing a protectionist system, and historically those don't work well. My proposal is to lower the cost of labor such that manufacturers choose to stay here and can remain in business.

You're stating THAT they historically don't work well - but not considering WHY that is. Do the same issues that led to past failures still apply today ? Can we change them ? These are questions one needs to ask - you cannot learn from history without being able to view it in the context of the present.

>Thing is, you're effectively ensuring that there WILL be less work by artificially raising the cost of labor; therefore businesses will attempt to minimize it. It's economic law.

One of the issues with this type of proposal (that is raising the cost of labor, such as through "Minimum Wage" laws) is the worth of some labor will always be low; a job that requires few skills, for example, is not worth as much as a job that requires a master's degree. Forcing employers to pay their employees an artificially high wage for low skill labor causes that employer to look for people who are worth the pay (people who are reliable, efficient, etc).

Eliminating a minimum wage, however, provides employers much greater latitude in hiring decisions. They can hire more people to perform the same low skilled labors, and promote those who show they have good work habits. Artificially raising wages does not increase the amount of capital available to distribute to employees, and that is one important reason your type of proposal inevitably fails. Would you rather pay seven eager teenagers 3.00 an hour, with the flexibility to replace them as needed, or three desperate, college graduates 7.25 an hour for the same labor?

Comment Re:Because of the kind of people who buy Apple (Score 1) 595

Since you have something genuinely interesting to say, I'll say I support your point of view; Mac OS X is a very well written and has one of the friendliest interfaces I've ever used. I would like to see certain OSS software products designed to work better on OS X, such as GIMP (I'm not particularly happy with Apple's X11, since it seems to have issues when I put my computer to sleep), which is why I still use Ubuntu more on my computer (and when I next upgrade, I'll be downloading GIMP from the repository). But overall, I enjoy my Mac. Now if only I could use WordPerfect without having to VM into Windows.

Comment Re:Because of the kind of people who buy Apple (Score 1) 595

Why are you so angry because I pay a little more, for convenience, by buying an Apple product?

There are generally only a few possible answers to this: The person is A) a shill, B) jealous, C) someone who had a bad experience with Apple and now blames them and can't see how anyone else could possibly like them or possibly C) an idiot who has heard bad things about Apple, but can't be bothered to research their side of the story.

I personally can't see any reason to spend the extra money it costs to purchase any of Microsoft's software because I've been repeatedly burned by their poor quality, which is why I'm writing this on a Mac, and only use Windows in a VM so I can use a Windows only application that has no direct equivalent on either Mac or Linux (my other machine runs Ubuntu). I was willing to pay a little extra for my Mac because of the convenience, though, so I am supporting your view.

Comment Re:The question is (Score 1) 595

Now look at Apple, everything (well, maybe not the Apple TV) they drop into the market is gobbled up like it's the best thing ever.

That's not quite the way I'd put it. While Apple's merchandise generally makes a big impression on the market, from what I've seen, they are more willing to admit failure and adjust accordingly when a product does poorly than Microsoft does (I won't bother with any examples, since I'm sure most can think of several).

Comment Re:Never Seen a Quote from Bill's Book (Score 1) 280

Well stated. I've never understood how anyone can argue that government welfare is charity; charity is literally giving of ones excess to help those in need. The government has no money of its own, and particularly no excess, so anything it does with the money it gains to benefit what it regards as a poor person (almost always managed via some form of taxation), cannot be regarded as charity by any stretch of the imagination. Interesting how many people fail to understand this simple economic principle. Thank you.

Comment Re:Change for the sake of change (Score 1) 375

Don't usually respond to Anonymous Cowards, but you made some important points, one of which I wish to respond to:

Vista pretty much was just designed for the visuals, more lock-down for idiots, "touchscreen", and generally just to make the life of smarter people worse by about 1.2 times than it usually was.

Immediately after Microsoft announced they would be calling their new OS "Vista," I began telling people that its name would describe it perfectly; it would simply be a new view, and little more. It's nice to see someone reinforce my opinion on that matter.

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