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Comment Re:Why it will win eventually (Score 1) 211

I completely agree with Anonymous Coward. Also, it's not being spineless if our country stands up to international pressure rather than bowing to it at the expense of the average Canadian. As a country, we can have whatever copyright laws we feel apply to our own people. If our laws adversely affect the economy or political views of other countries, it's up to them to make laws that control their own population, not to pressure us to hurt our own population to satisfy their needs.

Comment Re:x86 (Score 1) 125

While placing a function's return address right next to its local variables and arguments on the stack is kind of a dumb idea, there are many higher-level security issues to work out that aren't specific to x86. For example, phishing, cross-site scripting, input validation, side-channel attacks, in-band attacks, and the fact that it's safe to assume the user is an idiot that will click on anything he's told to. The list goes on.

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