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Comment Re:Slashvertisement (Score 1) 254

Many of these desperate dying people have been committed to having themselves cryonically preserved since the 1960's and have spent all their lives preparing for this moment. Two I can name in particular are Robert Ettinger and Fred Chamberlain. I might also mention Mike Darwin, who is still breathing and has been active in cryonics for his entire adult life (and before). Many of these people risked jailtime and other punishments to protect others who had already been preserved. So it's not all a scam for uninformed people.

Video The Cryonics Institute Offers a Chance at Immortality (Video) 254

Do you want to be frozen after you die, in hopes of being revived a century or two (or maybe ten) in the future? It can cost less than an electric car. That's what the Cryonics Institute (CI) offers. David Ettinger, today's interviewee, is both the son of CI founder Robert Ettinger and CI's lawyer. In this video, among other things, he talks about arrangements that were made for his father's demise, and how they were able to start the cryopreservation process almost immediately after he expired. Is Cryonics the best chance at immortality for those of us likely to die before the Singularity arrives, and gives all of us the tools we need to live forever? David Ettinger obviously thinks so. (This is Video #1 of 2. The second one is scheduled to run tomorrow. It's an interview with CI Director Andy Zawacki, who takes us into the facility where the frozen bodies are stored.)

Comment Re:this is a ridiculous recommendation (Score 1) 184

Are we seriously so opposed to broccoli and other vegetables much loathed as children that we're going to eat bugs instead?

No, I'm going to have a hamburger or a steak. I have no idea why "UN says people should eat bugs to have less impact on the environment" would lead to anybody actually eating bugs.

Comment Thanks for the late news, Slashdot (Score 1) 451

I spent all day Thursday troubleshooting one of our all-Mac customers with six other people in the room, all shouting different ideas. Only at the end of the day did we discover the news. I was really shocked Slashdot hadn't reported it.

I went home and had nightmares about installing and reinstalling Java on Mac.

Comment Re:Mixed feelings. (Score 1) 383

But if government doesn't create laws like this, then the alternative is that big business sets defacto policies for us, because they hold all the cards

The problem is the government monopolized all the cards (spectrum) in the first place, then gave out the cards to its cronies (the businesses).

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