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Comment Re:Real Costs (Score 1) 242

Another important question is "Who pays for each of those figures?".

The user obviously "pays" for the $235 dollars in TCO, but if the government/industry is the one paying for the $4650 then we have a disconnection between the interested parties, which could make it harder to convince the consumers to adopt this technology.

Comment Re:Ask away (Score 1) 221

"Mr. Obama decided to accelerate the attacks — begun in the Bush administration and code-named Olympic Games — even after an element of the program accidentally became public in the summer of 2010 because of a programming error that allowed it to escape Iran’s Natanz plant and sent it around the world on the Internet. Computer security experts who began studying the worm, which had been developed by the United States and Israel, gave it a name: Stuxnet. "

Comment Re:You only have drones and you have a weakness (Score 3, Insightful) 569

I'm pretty sure drone A. I. is going to be vastly better at air combat maneuvering quite soon. Keep in mind that a plane without a human on board doesn't have to respect the body limits regarding g-force.

The way I see it, humans have the edge on 1-on-1 fight, so then you could just default your drone to follow him as best as it can, even if it ends up in a "draw". Once you start going X vs X, the drones can communicate practically instantly with the whole network, much faster than the humans, and that IMO is a decisive factor (not considering the g-force limitations that the drones don't have).

Comment Re:Compared to the moon (Score 1) 531

Let's pretend for a second that tomorrow we find that the core of the moon is made of Unobtanium (

Do you think it's fair that all that material would be "up for grabs" and that thus only the very rich would be able to explore it, becoming then even richer? What would happen when then two groups go up there and start to fight for a share of the resources? And what if those groups are from different nations, say one is American and the other is Russian? What would happen then?

Things are not that simple.

Comment Re:release the source? (Score 1) 646

Well, having the source code is not the cause for malwares, code that is full of bugs is the cause. Considering this, we could say that Linux wouldn't have malwares even if it were closed source, and that XP would have malwares even if it were open source, as long as the "code quality" was the same as the current one.

Comment Re:release the source? (Score 3, Insightful) 646

Which is why you need to heed warnings about deadlines well in advance - these SCADA issues wouldn't have been a problem if planning had started two years ago rather than now.

Microsoft had publicized these deadlines ever since the product was released. This is not the news here: the news is that a lot of people are still using the system. Serious companies that rely on Windows XP for their business have always known that support would end in 2014, and so have factored that into account.

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