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Comment Re:School inquiry? (Score 2) 170

I'm not an electrician either (I'm an EE), but if you take some decent precautions (insulated sleeve screwdriver, or a stubby), it's not so dangerous to open out a wall switch. What's a lot more dangerous is if you have anything with both hot and neutral close together - then you're in danger of arc flash, which IMO is quite a bit more dangerous than live-to-ground leakage.

Also, don't fog machines use glycol? It does leave a residue that can, at first glance, look oily, but its not the same thing

Comment Re:India's defense dilemmas (Score 5, Informative) 600

India's military relationship with the US has not always been very good. For example, when India supported the Bangladeshis during their Liberation War, Nixon's response was to send in a carrier battle group to support Pakistan, despite evidence of genocide by the West Pakistani army. Given India's closeness to the USSR, the US was always somewhat wary of military ties. Operation Smiling Buddha and Operation Shakthi didn't help very much either, but the US rather quickly learned that economic sanctions against India didn't really prove effective and withdrew them in a few years.

The IAF also has a relatively long history of using fighter aircraft and helos of French origin. The French are not shy about sharing technology either, such as the Master AP system that's integrated into India's Ballistic Missle Defence network, or SAGEM's numerous avionics subsystems that are part of the HAL Tejas.

Bottom line, then, is that while I'm sure US support of Pakistan would have had some influence, many other factors (much of it historical) contributed to the final decision.

Comment Re:Apps (Score 1) 1880

Agreed, this is my reason for having a Windows box and a Linux box at work. I use, on a fairly regular basis, Solidworks and Altium Designer. Both are DiretX/3D heavy, and don't work well under emulation. Most of the software dev work, though, is under Linux. At home, I normally have a Linux box, and a Windows laptop.

Comment Electrification studies with radar (Score 2) 91

There was a rather large field campaign called The Severe Thunderstorm Electrification and Precipitation Study (STEPS) to study electrification done around the year 2000 that involved the use of polarimetric weather radar to observe electrified storms, in conjunction with the New Mexico Tech Lightning Monitoring Array (LMA).

One of the nice things about polarimetric radar is the ability to measure the aggregate orientation of particles, including ice crystals. When scanning active electrified storms, the radars observed polarimetric signatures indicating increased vertical orientation of particles aloft (ice crystals), which then suddenly snapped back to roughly random orientation. This event corresponded well with measurements from the LMA. In other words, they could, using radar, predict lightning strikes. I love science!

Submission + - Man with quadriplegia controls robot arm with mind (

awtbfb writes: Tim Hemmes, with the help of University of Pittsburgh researchers, successfully controlled a robot arm in three dimensions. He's had quadriplegia for seven years. The feat was accomplished using implanted ECoG electrodes and weeks of computer training. From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, "Ever since his accident, Mr. Hemmes said, he's had the goal of hugging his daughter Jaylei." Next up are six more 30-day participants, followed by a year-long study.

Submission + - Illegal to take a photo in a shopping centre? ( 3

Kyrall writes: A man was questioned by security guards and then police after taking a photo of his own child in a shopping centre.

The centre apparently has a 'no photography' policy "to protect the privacy of staff and shoppers and to have a legitimate opportunity to challenge suspicious behaviour"

He was told by a security guard that taking a photo was illegal. He also said that a police officer claimed "he was within in his rights to confiscate the mobile phone on which the photos were taken".

Submission + - ADHD and Diet - Help For ADHD: ADDucation (

An anonymous reader writes: ADHD and Diet have an important relationship with each other. Although there are a wide range of diets out there discussing the benefits of diet for ADHD, where do you begin?

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