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Comment Re:32bit Linux only - Give me a break (Score 1) 191

Let me see.
I actually do productive work on my machine, and said productive work actually uses the large chunks of the 16GB of RAM I have on my workstation.
Beyond that, the lack of certain (stable) i386 plugins (*cough flash* *cough), requires me to pull-in 150 i386 packages [1] at the total size of 187MB [2].
While not much, given the pace in which Fedora (10) releases updates, ~5% of all my Internet traffic is dedicated to pulling packages that I wouldn't have needed in the first place - if someone have taken the time to take i386 behind the bike-shed and shoot it. ... And don't get me started about the limitation of keeping i386 supported when writing multi-platform software. (Let alone kernel mode modules)

- Gilboa
* The 64bit version of this plugin is still somewhat unstable - at least as far as I could test.
[1] $ rpm -qa --queryformat="%{NAME}-%{ARCH}\n" | grep i386 | wc -l
[2] $ declare -i SIZE=0; declare -i CUR=0; for CUR in $(rpm -qa --queryformat="%{SIZE}-%{ARCH}\n" | grep i386) ; do SIZE=$(($CUR + $SIZE)); done; echo Total size: $(($SIZE / (1024*1024))) MB.
Total size: 187 MB.

Comment Re:No way in hell! (Score 1) 690

Less than 10% of the over-all ISP traffic in -any- of the major ISP I worked with was emails - POP3/SMTP or Webmail.
Which means that even if 90% of the total emails are spam messages, we are still talking ~8-9% of the total traffic.

As other pointed out, most of the ISP traffic (50-70%, depending on the type of the ISP) is P2P.

- Gilboa

Comment Re:false economy (Score 1) 355

"does anyone seriously believe windows 2003 with sql server 2005 is a bad platform? i'd suggest if you do you've never used it."

Bad? No. Good? Depends on what you use it for....
Our DB department is currently switching from SQL2K8 on Win2K3 to RHEL 5.2/Oracle 10g and the performance is nothing short of staggering.
I'm not a DB person (I'm the resident Linux geek), but least according to the benchmarks I helped setting up, we gained a 3/1 performance increase. (10g on Windows 2K8 was -far- less impressive.)

- Gilboa

Comment Re:Which one works? (Score 1) 591

In our business environment, we will not upgrade to IE7 because it breaks business applications. No such limitations on FF3 (of course the apps don't work in FF2/3).

Being a Linux user, I've suffered dearly due to my companies insistence on using IE-only web-applications.
Need-less to say, I'm now having the time of my life watching our (insert large number of curses in different languages) IT going through oops to prevent people from switching over to IE7 as it breaks most of these applications completely. ... For me, the day we are forced to switch to Vista will be a second birthday. I've already pre-ordered a huge bucket of pop-corn and a gallon of Coca-Cola. I just can't wait!

- Gilboa

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