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Comment Re:Chicago Blackhawks too? (Score 1) 646

In my opinion there is nothing wrong with Chief Wahoo and the name Redskins. So what make you right and me wrong? And that's the problem here. There is no such thing as a wrong opinion. With all the problems we have in this society, it is absurd that THIS is what people are upset about.

You seem pretty upset.

Comment Re:rape is *the* lowest category of violent crime (Score 1) 386

By the way: case clearance rates for female homicide victims are higher than for male homicide victims.

You can either listen to the gender issues folks, who make it sound like violence against women is a HUGE CRISIS, or you can read the BJS statistics. Women have been, and continue to be, a protected class in the US.

Want to bet that the clearance rate for female homicide victims has something to do with the fact that they disproportionally killed by people close to them?

Comment Re:100% paper (Score 1) 167

100% paper strategy will win 50% of the time. Of the remaining 50% of games played, (assuming even distribution of the remaining picks) 25% will be losses and 25% will be tied

No, you are describing another game where the opponent is forced to play rock 50% of the time, paper 25% of the time and scissors 25% of the time.

This game is different.

(I'm repeating my self from another post but many people are making the same mistake)

Comment Re:For money, you mean? (Score 2) 167

With no such restriction, random choices on both sides lead to 33% win, 33% draw, 33% loss, right? With the opponent throwing Rock 50% of the time, assuming the other 50% is evenly divided between Paper and Scissors, if I always throw paper I'll win 50% of the time, lose 25% of the time, and draw 25% of the time.

So depending how the betting works, I'd be pretty willing.

No, you are describing another game where the opponent is forced to play rock 50% of the time, paper 25% of the time and scissors 25% of the time.

This game is different.

Comment What about operating systems? (Score 1) 260

... Microsoft Researcher Danah Boyd put words to a feeling
"The idea of everybody going to one site is just weird. Give me one other part of history where everybody shows up to the same social space. Fragmentation is a more natural state of being....

I wonder if she believes that the same should hold true for operating systems.

Comment Re:You gotta understand ... (Score 0) 190

The airplane belongs to the Malaysian Airline System (MAS). The plane took off from the KLIA airport, again, of Malaysia. That radar which did the tracking (actually there were 4 radars doing the tracking) were all operated by ... Malaysians.

Were they all graduates of MARA too?

Everything points to the same thing - Malaysia - a country whereby RACE means everything.

Wrong word.

MARA takes in people who are NOT qualified to go to college any where else, and award them college degrees even if they can't do anything right.

I'm beginning to think you might be a graduate of MARA...

Comment Re:weapons of mass destruction (Score 1) 57

I'm afraid you've drunk the Atatürk kool-aid. It wasn't pretty. There was no equality in the Turkish republic (look at the Kurds, Greeks, Armenians, Jews and yes, even the women). It wasn't a democracy. And changing the alphabet just meant that future generations were condemned to a life without any concept of their history, the good or the bad. The republic was founded on the principle of deportations, massacres and forced assimilation.

It would really be a sad loss for humanity, if all those enlightened thoughts of Atatürk get stomped into the ground, and Turkey is forced into the shackles of Islam in their place.

It'd be a boon to humanity if the thoughts of Atatürk were finally let go: the authoritarianism, the fanatical nationalism, the militarism and so on. The only sad bit were if the modern conservative Islam of the AKP were to be what replaces it.

Comment Re:my daughter (Score 1) 280

Oh.. one more thing... do those "unlimited" texts include international?

Can't speak for the OP, but my Canadian plan offers unlimited text messages to domestic and international numbers. And it's a $25 / month plan, so on the cheap end (for Canada).

I only pay if I'm texting from outside Canada.

Comment Re:Thank You Slashdot (Score 1, Interesting) 379

The problem is the drunk one is the barkeep. The patrons told him to stop before he wrecks to whole place, but there is no stopping him. Every day he gets drunk and wreaks half the bar. Soon he'll be drinking alone. And it all started with that damn game of Dice.

So leave. If the new redesign is as bad as promised, I'll leave when the time comes. No need to ruin Slashdot ahead of schedule.

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