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Comment Re:Do we charge homeowners for being burgled? (Score 4, Informative) 276

Terrible analogy. They're not stealing the homeowner's stuff, they're stealing OUR stuff.
A closer analogy would be if someone broke into Public Storage and my stuff got stolen. If it could be proven that Public Storage was negligent (didn't spend money on increased security, even after being warned thieves where in the area), then yes, they should be charged with breach of conduct.
This analogy is closer, but still not all the way there, because we're dealing with a Public Storage that's somehow storing my stuff even when we don't sign up for it.

Comment I remember way back when... (Score 4, Funny) 64

working with some of the old reddit techs as a contractor. This was way before spez, by the way. Even then, there were ramblings about adopting a tip system. Of course, this was still back before social media website had found ways to monetize by selling data, so it seemed like a desperate grasp that would never work. I'd only be venturing a guess, but the deciding moment this all changed was probably in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table.

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