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Comment What the... (Score 1) 363

I applaud Google's decision to enter the fray.

What I don't understand is that, when I went to the 'sign me up... please!' page, I decided to run the network speed tests. I pay Charter in the Southeast for what I thought was 5 mbps (advertised) internet; the tests tell me I'm getting between 9.55 and 26 mbps. Twenty six. I had to run each of them about four times, I was in such disbelief.

Why do I think that Charter is somehow accelerating all network tests I run after visiting the Google page?

Comment Re:Combined with Phyto-Estrogens from Soy Formula (Score 3, Funny) 251

This could grow tits on a frog.

Hmmm .... so, do you mean that like growing a human ear on a mouse so you have an actual breast growing out of the back or a frog? Or do you mean a whole new market of cosmetic breast augmentation for frogs?

I'm just asking. Either way, I'm sure it would fast become a popular kind of porn for some people. ;-)


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