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Comment some sanity? (Score 1) 521

[Re: Should the weboob package stay in Debian?](

>So apart from objectification of women, but without instrumentalization or degrading message, I was not able to find serious consequences. As much as I would prefer things to be different (I already told upstream in the past) I don't feel I have any right or special wisdom allowing me to dictate people to act and think differently. Banning content because it displease me and make people uncomfortable while no direct harm has been found is unlikely to have a positive effect. **Consequently unless harmful content I'm not aware of is discovered in this package I am not going to remove it from the archive.** I would consider adding a neutral warning message in the package description though, so people can individually decide for themselves if this is acceptable from their own point of view.-- Marc Dequènes

Submission + - Debian going insane! (

quantic_oscillation7 writes: thought police strikes again!

"The latest notes from the Debian anti-harassment team on Wednesday caught my attention when reading, "We were requested to advice on the appropriateness of a certain package in the Debian archive. Our decision resulted in the package pending removal from the archive." Curiosity got the best of me... What package was deemed too inappropriate for the Debian archive? "

Submission + - Which wireless ip cameras can be considered secure?

Lars Kumbier writes: In the aftermath of hundreds of ip cameras being insecure due to relying on the same broken chipsets, I wonder which wireless cameras actually can be considered secure — at least for the time being. I'm explicitly searching for wireless IP cameras with nightvision / infrared beams — linux compatibility for streaming and saving the video is a must as well.

Comment Shifting???? (Score 0) 195

let's see...

"President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia said on Thursday that "patriotically minded" private Russian hackers could have been involved in cyberattacks last year to help the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump"

"While Mr. Putin continued to deny any state role (...)that Russia had played no role whatsoever in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee"

shifting? where?

Comment Re:70% of software in China is "unregistered" (Score 2) 82

hmmm...let's see what mr Gates himself said...

"Although about 3 million computers get sold every year in China, people don't pay for the software. Someday they will, though," Gates told an audience at the University of Washington. "And as long as they're going to steal it, we want them to steal ours. They'll get sort of addicted, and then we'll somehow figure out how to collect sometime in the next decade."

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