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Comment Re:11 years ago (Score 1) 560

So just because you are born there now, you must be evil , so not worthy of a normal life ? Regardless of sides , there are always innocent victims.
The ones who can't get out, because they don't have the money or power to get out.
They suffer every day, on both sides.

As always, it's not the everyday people who are the problem here, it's those who have power ( on either side ) , and just want to have more of it.

Comment Re:Serves them right (Score 1) 578

you are using the word "dangerous" in an odd context. Even the most rabid Democrat on Slashdot lacks the ability to reach through the screen and strangle you. You may have meant "disapproved of", or "likely to be condemned." Possibly even "harshly moderated".

I would have agreed with you many years ago, until I made the unfortunate mistake of clicking a goatse link.
It may not be physical strangulation, but as far as psychological damage goes, it's not far off.

Comment Re:Distinguishing conflict from disagreement (Score 1) 1152

The problem is : religion and politics are intermixed. In fact, it's almost impossible to separate them.
And this is because to the government, religion is a powerful tool to control everyone.

Ever heard a president at the end of a speech ( "God bless America" ) .

The problem with religion is that it can't be questioned. So when someone ( for example a politician ) uses religion for his own gains, the truly religious will follow it, no matter what.

The only way to avoid it would be to ignore religious dogma, and truly try finding it on your own. That's a much harder, but much more useful journey to take.

Comment Re:Clouds Need To Be Free (Score 2) 152

Your missing something : Linux != Desktop Environment
Linux is the kernel.

Ease of use has a lot more with the Desktop Environment ( KDE, GNOME ,etc ... )

The best comparison would be to compare distro's ( Ubuntu, Mint, Debian ) with Windows.
In that sense, there are plenty of distro's which are much easier to use than Windows.

Think about it : if you want to install software on Windows, you need to put in a CD, or search it on internet, download it, start it up, accept the license, etc..
On most popular linux distro's, you just select it in the package manager, click install and it does everything for you. You can't get it any easier than that.

Comment Re:subject (Score 3, Interesting) 284

If you acquire any free games you haven't paid for and are supposed to, that is theft.

Legal Dictionary on "Theft" :
the generic term for all crimes in which a person intentionally and fraudulently takes personal property of another without permission or consent and with the intent to convert it to the taker's use

In a broad sense it would seem to fit, but I'm not sure about the "takes personal property" : it's not really taken, the original owner still has it.

If I were to develop my own game, based on the an existing game ( just from experience with the game ), I would be creating a free game, and some people might decide to play my free game instead of buying the original. But would it be theft ?

The way you describe it, it would be, because I copied something : I copied the idea .
If so, then a whole lot of free games would be illegal.

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