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Comment Re:Solution: Encrypt the config nodes in the XML? (Score 1) 66

Yes "someone has compromised the system". But how? Attacker getting write access to a config file is not the same attacker getting write access to an executable - see the discussion of Android situation above. If an attack can compromise the config file but not the executable - this may be a potential vulnerability, especially if a user does not know that the config can potentially instruct KeePass to silently dump plaintext passwords into a file on startup?

Comment Re:If? (Score 2) 187

I am not an American but it would really surprise me if your tax system was that regressive, particularly at the level of working class. Interesting how many people are modding up a post without any sources, so let me add a source with some analysis by income decile from 2022.

Comment Most of Europe (Score 3, Interesting) 322

Not sure why the article specifically mentions Germany, as many European countries are in the same situation. There are even ones with less renewables and more dependency on Russian gas. Some countries, however, were a bit smarter. For example, in 2014, when Putin annexed Crimea, Poland decided that Russian gas was a major strategic risk, and today they have a new pipeline from Norway and a huge liquid gas sea terminal in the north. But I cannot blame Germany, because I never thought Russia would actually start a war... I think not many people did.

Comment Re:Informed consent (Score 1) 64

True, but hard to avoid. Citizenship - babies generally need one for various rather practical reasons. Deity - I assume someone can assign a religious culture, customs and moral sets, but not a belief, plus you probably chose your own when you grew up. And assigning NO deity often also carries certain culture, customs and moral sets, and you still need to decide if you want one when you grow up. Finally, the part about dick... yes.

Comment Re:Stupid Russians (Score 1) 150

You are absolutely right. However, "winning" the economic war can simply mean losing in the end - turning Russia into an even more unstable country, possibly starving, with huge unemployment and extremistic tendencies, is going to be bad for everyone. The only hope is that something happens in the war soon that can allow the rest of the world to let Russia breathe again...

Comment Re:Tell it to the lawyers (Score 3, Informative) 224

No, they're "too conservative" to maximize the waste - make sure supermarkets throw them away while they're still good and order some more. Just in case.

Not necessarily. In a competitive environment, offering longer expiration dates makes the producer more attractive to supermarkets precisely because they will not have to pay for milk that goes to waste. What you wrote would work much better in a monopoly supplier situation.

Comment Re:test send? (Score 1) 141

A friend of mine is a CFO of a relatively large telecom who was buying another telecom in our country. The correct account number to send this money to was checked. Rechecked. Written down and sent to the international Board. Verified by other Directors. And then, on a Saturday before the Monday when the transaction was supposed to take place, one of the Board members called my friend again, got him to scan the page with the account number and send it to be checked again, "just in case". How someone can be so dumb as to not even do a 4-eyes check on a transaction involving millions of dollars is beyond me... but it's the fault of the programmer's supervisor, his supervisor and their supervisor, at least. They should have known a major transaction like this is coming, and if need be, they should have been standing next to the programmer when he was copy-pasting. Even a plane ticket around half of the would would have been worth the check...

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