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Comment Why trust hosting companies? (Score 1) 238

The part you lost me at was here-

"There's no particular reason why any one of those functions could only be carried out on a centralized system. I can envision a distributed protocol with many different servers, or 'nodes,' run by different hosting companies, and each 'node' can be used to store many accounts

*I* can envision a distributed protocol with many different servers, or 'nodes', run by *the users themselves*, and each 'node' can be used to store many accounts...

Note that I've recently filed an FCC Form 2000F complaint about Google's anti-network-neutrality bahavior as they are entering the fixed broadband ISP market here in Kansas City, Kansas. It's something of a quixotic war about the right for all end users of fixed broadband connections protecting their FCC-10-201(p13) rights to create successful content, applications, services, and devices on the general purpose technology of the (IPv6) internet. You can read the 57 post, 14 author (out of 23 members) thread in the discussion forum of the Kansas Unix and Linux Users Association here-


Comment Re:EVIL-TOS: Not allowed to host any type of serve (Score 1) 263

"should not" is not "can not"

I might be able to go with your creative reading of the sentence were it not for the use of the very clear word "permitting" in the prior sentence-

Unless you have a written agreement with Google Fiber permitting you do so, you should not host any type of server using your Google Fiber connection
http://support.google.com/fiber/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=2659981&topic=2440874&ctx=topic [google.com] [google.com]

Comment Re:Not allowed to host any type of server- EPIC FA (Score 2) 263

Sorry, but the quoted clause was from the terms of service, which left itself so vague as to use the wording "improper use" (by whose metric of 'proper'?). The TOS next to that clause, gives a link to the aforementioned section which lays out what defines 'bad use'. So that _is a rule written into the Google-Fiber contracts_ _already_ (as if there were any customers already bound by the TOS).

Comment Re:EVIL-TOS: Not allowed to host any type of serve (Score 2) 263

"Isn't this pretty much a universal condition for residential internet?"

sadly yes, the only way I can envision that landscape changing quickly would be if google would step up and aspire to be something better than the current 'universal residential internet' service. If those other 'universal' providers were asked about that clause, I'd guess they might plausibly lie through their teeth explaining that shared bandwidth concerns are their reason for not TOS allowing things like a quake3 or alienarena or old-school unix talk server. Tell me google, what excuse do you have? (forgive me for being invested in this issue, but I live in Kansas City, and my older brother is a VP of Engineering at google (not in charge of fiber-to-kc though).

Comment EVIL-TOS: Not allowed to host any type of server! (Score 5, Informative) 263

"so it's unlikely to make much difference unless you're planning to host a reasonably heavy server..."

Good Luck With That-

-1 google, your shiny is now worthless to me
Unless you have a written agreement with Google Fiber permitting you do so, you should not host any type of server using your Google Fiber connection
http://support.google.com/fiber/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=2659981&topic=2440874&ctx=topic [google.com]

Comment Not allowed to host any type of server- EPIC FAIL (Score 2) 263

-1 google, your shiny is now worthless to me
Unless you have a written agreement with Google Fiber permitting you do so, you should not host any type of server using your Google Fiber connection

Comment so that means slashdot is infecting me right now? (Score 1) 343

Since I've been 'religiously' reading slashdot for over a decade now, incalculably more regularly than I've gone to church, shall I assume that slashdot is likely delivering me malware right now?

Seriously, since CmdrTaco left, and to be honest, many years prior to that and the recent SlashBI goodness, things have been going way downhill. This past year I've still skimmed each 600+ post global warming article, because it seems important enough, and the slashdot flamefests, despite the signal to noise ratio, sadly seem more intelligent than any other conversation on the topic. But threads like this, where every last highly moderated comment seems like nothing more than a troll-response bounty for the pageview-centric new management... Ehh. If there is one comment that breaks me of my slashdot religion, it was probably the first Score:5 comment on this thread- "Obama ate a a dog!". I guess the planet will just have to burn...


Comment Re:What is Mandriva? (Score 1) 97

"There's also URPMI, the easiest package manager I've yet seen. Easier than pacman/yaourt, easier than apt-get."

Yes. URPMI is why I used and loved Mandrake... about a million years ago. Funny how in that sentence you fail to mention yum, which is exactly the thing that caused the rest of the RPM based distros to finally erase Mandrake's core advantage. It's been a long time since then. Mandrake is dead, let it R.I.P.

Comment Re:Motto?? (Score 4, Interesting) 197

Disclaimer: While I did work at Keyhole(what became GoogleEarth) for 1.75 years back in 2k3, and while my older brother is Google's VP-Engineering, Geo division, I have had no significant insider knowledge or discussions about this, or anything related to it, since I left that job. I also would probably be written off as a delusional paranoid schizophrenic by many, but I'll refrain from shilling half a dozen interesting tidbits about myself here. Anyway, my comment is this:

"This would be evil if Google:

1) Collaborated with the government to alert the government about potential "illegal" activities being conducted"

Now, I will mention that it is public knowledge that the CIA through it's venture capital investment arm 'In-Q-Tel' did more or less save Keyhole from going under during the hard times of 2003ish, a year or two before they were acquired by google.

I honestly can't see how people, even the author of the parent comment, can ignore that angle of the parent comment. Do you really, in any universe after the last decade, think the CIA wouldn't start scratching their heads regarding the possibilities of a dragnet of roving signals intelligence vehicles canvasing the nation, neigh, the world?? I mean, Really??. Do you really think that if they had done something illegal, or debatably unconstitutional on that scale, that they couldn't succeed in getting it brushed under the rug, under the cover that it was just a couple silly engineers stretching some bounds? Really? If so, enjoy your lack of paranoia. Ignorance is bliss.


Comment Re:What did we expect? (Score 1) 1181

"Monotheism is evil itself."

You could be a troll, but I'll guess you're not, and respond to some of your anti-christianity, that, was expressed much as I probably would have expressed it 10 or 20 years ago when I was still a lifelong atheist.

As to the bible referring to people allegorically as 'sheep', yes. The bible speaks of people allegorically and parable-ly(parabolicly can't be right :)), in many ways. A whole lot of 'flocks' and 'sheeps', and perhaps more than that, as fields of crops and other such collections to be harvested by God. What you might interestingly trip out on, is how it is perhaps your belief, that in all the life in the universe, or perhaps an isolated pond of it here on earth, you believe that you are of the one single unique species that is not, effectively going to be harvested or otherwise feeding and providing needs of a larger ecosystem, so complex you're limited grey-matter faculties cannot even begin to fully comprehend.

As for your point about translations- translations are all we have, and if you think about it, the best we could have, so I'd advize you come to grips with that, and begin to appreciate translations, if imperfect and/or varying, rather than arrogantly cast them asside as unworthy of respect and educational value.

As to "the whole Christian promotion of ignorance with regards to Abortion/Global Warming etc"... Stereotype much? One of the key first things I learned as a christian when I became a christian, was how non-homogoneous (not a sexuality thing, read slowly) christians are as a whole. Once you, Phrogman, get to the point of spending more effort looking at how others might actually be people roughly as smart and decent as you despite their strange beliefs you clearly despise, you will see that Christians as a whole have incredibly varied personal positions with regards to Abortion/Global Warming, etc. Perhaps as much variance as non-christians. I mean, there was this whole roman catholic, protestant, martin luther, thing in history you might want to look up. Don't get me wrong, I had a similarly vile view of christianity 15 years ago. You might have a pretty different view 15 years from now. Even today, I'll certainly grant a kernel of truth within your second to last sentence. Maybe by the time you are willing to spend more time granting a kernel of truth in the teachings of various mainstream religions, you will agree that blindly hating christians is about as useless as blindly hating anti-christians.

As to the further ancestors of this thread, and Jesus wielding a whip in the temple. First, I imagine one could wield a whip and drive people and/or animals from an area, without actually inflicting violent contact with humans (I'm inexperienced with cattle to know if warning shots are sufficient there). Next, the beginning of christian humility for some might be to reflect on, in context, the story of Jesus getting angry in the temple on that occasion. It's pretty remarkable, as there really aren't that many stories in the bible of Jesus getting angry. One could take that as a cue to meditate on the story in particular. Clearly it is an interesting example of the kind of vitriol animosity towards the established mainstream religion of the day, and how it was practiced, that you Phrogman, could perhaps appreciate in a 'through the looking glass' sort of way.

Comment Re:Madness stronger than Rationality (Score 1) 467

It would offend them for me to say that Religion was invented

My christian (36yo, atheist for the first 27 or so) response to this would be don't go (pre-)judging them too quickly. Maybe you aren't, maybe you know them well enough, but if I were you, or had been you when I was younger, my advice now is, say it. They sound like overall/more-or-less decent folk if you've bothered to continue hanging out with them despire your disbelief. As a christian, I'm advocating that more christians do what they can to expose themselves to others real beliefs, in a core non-judgemental ('judge not...') way, rather than what has historically, and is still the case in greater and lesser degrees in many christians, i.e. anything that looks even the slightest bit remotely to be in the same vein as the midevil catholic church's use of torture[1] devices to terroristicly coerce and compel false 'confessions of belief' (either directly, or indirectly). Most of us older folks remember the sodomy laws(any homosexual sex, at points in the past, even oral sex amongst married heterosexual couples) that were until relatively historicly recently, on the books and enforced in texas, kansas(my home state), etc. All due to the worst sort of impulses in people to control minorities and those different from them, due to their selective interpretation of one particular translation, of a particular collection of books, that despite those qualifiers, present a groundwork for anyone on the planet beginning to understand the 'mainstream'(or rather, one healthy and unarguably significant fraction of it) human cultural history of the last couple thousand years.


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