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Submission + - Bluecherry releases it's MPEG-4 driver, GPL (bluecherrydvr.com)

azop writes: Editor:

This is a updated post for the original that I submitted earlier (http://slashdot.org/submission/1261912/Bluecherry-releases-its-MPEG-4-driver-GPL). I believed I followed this FAQ post correctly by submitting a new story and not emailing the correction: http://slashdot.org/faq/editorial.shtml#ed100. This update contains some grammar / pronunciation mistakes and also URL links. It also clears up a bit of the language about the card and intended applications. Feel free to delete this line.

Today Bluecherry released a GPLed driver for its multiple-input MPEG-4 hardware compression cards. The driver supports audio and video capture from 4, 8, and 16-channel single-card encoders using the Video4Linux and ALSA APIs.

More information about the driver and its features can be found on Bluecherry's development blog and on Ben Collins' personal blog.

Bluecherry is the first Linux software company to release a complete driver based on Linux kernel APIs (Video4Linux and ALSA) for multiple-input hardware-compressed MPEG-4 capture cards under the GPL.

The cards are designed for security applications (Digital Video Recording); however, other applications could potentially make use of the compressed streams and Video4Linux API integration. An H.264 version is 'in the works'.


Submission + - Bluecherry releases it's MPEG-4 driver, GPL (bluecherrydvr.com)

azop writes: Today Bluecherry released its GPL licensed multi-input MPEG4 audio / video hardware compression driver. This driver supports 16 channel MPEG-4 encoders using the Video4Linux API, and up to 16 audio devices (using ALSA). More information about the driver and features can be found at Bluecherry's site (http://www.bluecherrydvr.com/2010/06/16/bluecherry-releases-its-version-2-driver-gpl/) and at Ben Collin's personal blog (http://ben-collins.blogspot.com/2010/06/softlogic-6010-4816-channel-mpeg-4.html).

Bluecherry is the first Linux software company to release a complete driver based on Linux kernel API's (Video4Linux and Alsa) under the GPL license for multiple input hardware compression (MPEG-4) capture cards. A H.264 version is 'in the works'.


Graph-View of Collaborative Development At GitHub 14

VindictivePantz writes "In an interesting graphical view on collaborative development, FlowingData writes: 'GitHub is a large community where coders can collaborate on software development projects. People check code in and out, make edits, etc. Franck Cuny maps this community (with Gephi), based on information in thousands of user profiles.'"

Submission + - The ultimate job board for software developers? (slashdot.org)

azop writes: Where I work we are looking at hiring atleast two Linux software developers for front and backend development over the next two months. We've posted on 37 Signals and Stack Overflow hoping that we would appeal to the certain genre of developers we are looking for without getting lost in the world of larger, non focused job boards. So far we haven't found anyone willing to relocate, or with the necessary skill set required for the positions.

Does Slashdot's members have any suggestions for a popular, focused job board for Linux software developers?

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