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Comment Re:Good question (Score 1) 499

Strangely enough, all of the tapes I have checked recently (which is not my entire collection!) of good ol' C64 tapes, and even earlier Vic-20 tapes, are still intact and work fine! I fully expected most of them to be unreadable. Some of the Vic-20 tapes are now pushing..(counts on fingers..) 25 years. Pretty impressive for cheap-ass 60 minute compact cassettes. Maybe thats your solution? A Vic-20 and datasette

Comment Re:Maybe the I.T. guys are right after all. (Score 1) 212

+1 if I had mod points. I had these a'holes contact friends, relatives (not necessarily overlapping groups there), I heard 3rd hand about these calls, they were absolutely rampant for a period of time. It is the parent, grandparents, the casual users that get stung, and often can't afford it.

Comment Re:Fever? (Score 1) 692

That's interesting..My bank has a dedicated iPhone banking app as well (we are probably talking about the same bank, given you refer to, starts with a W?) but for Android and BB users it sends you to a web page. I thought that they were just being Apple fanbois, but I never considered that aspect.

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