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Comment Re:Surprise? (Score 3, Interesting) 579

Just wrong. For what most people do, LibreOffice is just fine.

That may or may not be true, but it most definitely isn't true at all for power users, and especially so for power users of Excel. These users may not be representable of a typical user, but they are the ones actually running the business and they have enormous power. Suggesting that LibreOffice is "just fine" for these people is ignorant, and also the reason Linux won't make it on the desktop. If you don't even try to understand your users, what you offer isn't going to be good enough.

Comment Re:So? (Score 2, Insightful) 351

It's more healthy to live in the stone age because why, exactly? Average life span has tripled since the stone age, and that is generally considered the best proxy for health there is.

Also, the idea that we work more now than we did in the stone age is also completely wrong. A regular employee works ~1600 hours/year for ~40 years. That's less than 10% of their time. Stone age people certainly worked more than 10% of their lives (even though I agree that it may be a myth that they worked most of the time.)

Comment Re:Won't work (Score 1) 342

You completely miss the very obvious point that information from other sources may have a bearing on the value of a company. If I spot a trend in the subway I may draw the conclusion that some companies stand to gain more from that trend than other companies. Your static view of the world is way too simplified.

Comment Re:alas ! (Score 2) 60

As others have pointed out, the optimal solution is never more than 20 moves, and this instance required a bit more than 20 moves, so it probably wasn't the very easiest of configurations. That said, I don't understand why this record isn't for "best average of 20 runs" (or some other suitable number). It wouldn't take more than five minutes to run it, and it would be a lot more telling about the actual capacity of the robot.

It would also be interesting to see the variance of the solving times. How consistent is this thing?

Comment Re:Control... (Score 1) 926

But don't expect me to pay lip service to a God that, to me, comes off as a petty, cliquish and vindictive sort, according to your own holy books.

That was only in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, he is caring, loving and forgiving. What happened in between? He got laid!

Comment Re:Those damn socialist! (Score 1) 752

I'm really not sure what you are getting at here. Have you never heard of anyone using cocaine or heroin without doing stupid things? I have. In fact, only a very small percentage of usage leads to people doing stupid things. Conversely, surely you have heard of someone doing outrageously stupid things after drinking alcohol? There are in fact TV shows dedicated to this very phenomenon!

As for your discussion about the level of addictiveness, alcohol is more addictive than many drugs.

Comment Re: This is what I like best about /. (Score 1) 327

But, despite this correction, during that period of instability, a lot of people's businees were hurt, so they go to the govenment and demand retribution- You think that process should be 6min too?

So who exactly are those people whose business were hurt? You are right that a number of crybabies (with amazingly influential lobbyists backing them up, sadly) did go to the government and demand retribution, but that's simply pathetic. I don't think that process should take 6 min. I think it should take 0 min.

I can see how some people are upset that they sold Apple shares for $0.01. But really, if they are that monumentally stupid, I can't see why it's the government's business to stop morons (here used in the clinical sense, and not (only) in the derogatory sense) from doing stupid trades. I can see the downside, but I completely fail to see any upside to it. Please explain the upside if you disagree.

Comment Re:There should be a mandatory one second delay. (Score 1) 327

Not only are you welcome to do so. As a retail investor, that is actually a great idea. In the auctions, liquidity is concentrated and an optimum amount of volume is traded at the same price for both buyers and sellers (obviously). If you trade infrequently there is no reason to ever trade outside of the auctions. And if you trade frequently, you probably haven't understood how the market works and as such deserve to be ripped off by people who do understand.

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