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Comment Microsoft has been paid off by scammers for years (Score 1) 30

This isn't the first time, Google too has been taking advertising money from scammers and malicious people for years (as was reported here I'm sure). Many years ago I had to help piles of seniors who interacted with fake anti-virus notification trojans generated by Microsoft via the MSN home page which they set as default in Internet Explorer. This was never covered in the mainstream news but it was huge.

Comment Re:Clickbait (Score 4, Insightful) 223

The best example is The Last Jedi. Heavily review bombed, but polls of people leaving theatres were very positive and it made a lot of money.

I don't know if that's a good example; The movie was a box office success and I even paid to see it in theatres but everyone I was with universally agreed that it was terrible. I don't personally know anyone who thought it was good.

Comment Rotten Tomatoes isn't an honest way to gauge fans (Score 1) 223

I can't speak on behalf of Metracritic or any other review sites but isn't it common knowledge that Rotten Tomatoes games the review system? Aside from high profile articles that have criticized them for exactly that, I've submitted a number of reviews to their site and a number of negative reviews haven't seen the light of day criticizing agenda driven TV shows. I've seen social media groups representing shows and movies proclaim "100%" while the site was suppressing negative reviews. They've also claimed accounts are review bombing media when the people reviewing are legitimate people who didn't like the content.

Comment Plex is awesome for Antenna TV (OTA w/Guide!) (Score 1) 108

I initially purchased Plex so I could watch media from my server while travelling but then I discovered it supported OTA with additional hardware so i purchased an HDHomeRun, hooked it up to an outside antenna, and I couldn't be happier with the experience. Not only do I get a guide that's like what you'd get with a satellite or cable service, I can record shows that air over antenna. I'm in Canada, close to upstate New York so I get about 42 or so stations all in, ranging from the primary networks like Fox, NBC, CW, etc., but also Canadian options like CTV and CBC. It's awesome being able to watch a Buffalo Bills football game on my tablet or phone while putting my feet up near the beach in Dubai.

And then I discovered some of the 'free' stations and movies that come with it and I have to say that I'm really impressed, I found myself watching some live performances of some techno music acts on their music station that I'd never expected to see. I also find myself watching the news stations as well.

I bought the lifetime Plex Pass on a Black Friday (US deals day) a few years back for $79 and that's a hell of a deal, well worth it for what they give you.

Comment Re:Not Much Sympathy (Score 1) 90

I have to travel to see my wife in another country as our Canadian government hasn't renewed her visa in 2 years, she's stuck in limbo because they are only processing refugees (that's a fact from IRCC not an opinion). I can only afford to see my wife every 4 months or so for short periods of time. Most of the people i'm flying with are indigenous to her country and most likely seeing close family as assumed by their skin color, language, and accents. Don't assume people are flying for vacation especially with the cost of tests.

Comment Re:Depends on your perspective I guess... (Score 1) 141

... never fun!? That's the oddest appraisal of shrooms I've ever heard. In my more formative years we'd eat a good mittful before going to the clubs and bars on a Saturday night or before going shopping for clothes, always a grand time laughing like hyenas at the absurd things we were doing or saying.

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