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Comment Re:Uh... (Score 4, Insightful) 202

It's driving force is a desire for equality, where equality means that you get free money from the government.

Well that's how FOX News viewers would perceive it, the demonstrations come out of frustration with the state of the current financial system, and the fact that the people who caused it are very well off whilst the middle class is being obliterated.

People aren't protesting to get free stuff, but to express their disagreement with a country where 1% of the population control 40% of the wealth and growing, being able to use this to influence legislation in order to keep it that way.

So yeah, maybe you should get a clue before making incorrect assumptions/uninformed statements.

Comment Re:falling ahead? (Score 1) 246

I was playing with a 1ghz dual core, Nvidia Tegra Android tablet not that long ago, it wasn't bad at all but the browser wasn't anywhere near as smooth as the one on my 2 year old iPhone 3GS.

As much as I like Android, the UI is laggy and unresponsive where iOS is fluid and snappy, even on the 1st gen iPhone, Android phones have been using the CPU for UI rendering while iOS devices offload this to the GPU.

So while they look better on paper, they're still not quite as good in practice.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 154

SlideShare is now viewable on every kind of mobile device

As long as they support that very flavor of HTML5 which, in turn, is still a draft!

It is still a draft. So? What does this mean? We shouldn't endorse it? Especially now that ALL browsers support it?

You *could* endorse it, I wouldn't say *should* because changes in the spec might make the version supported by ALL browsers OBSOLETE overnight. We're years away from a finalized standard.

Comment Re:And what? (Score 1) 154

You do need to wake up to reality, If they ditched Flash the videos wouldn't play on older browsers, that would leave most users unable to access the site.

Not to mention the fact that HTML5 is still being developed, to drop Flash support overnight in favour of an incomplete technology is reckless at best.

People should really read up on these issues instead of parroting sermons preached by interested parties.

Comment Re:This is why I trust Microsoft (Score 1) 374

I think you got that backwards, if Google lose your trust the competition is a click away. Switching OS, computer, office package, etc.. is out of the question for the average user. Not to mention the absolute fortune it’d cost a business to move away from a MS Exchange/AD/Sharepoint setup.

Microsoft have users by the balls and they'll do whatever it takes to keep it that way. They did it before and were found guilty by a court of law, they'd gladly do it again.

Comment Re:Don't Be Evil? That's just a lie (Score 1) 417

No. has the perfect first comment.

Google is building Microsoft Passport (equivalent) and then forcing you to use it. *THAT* is evil.

I'm curious how the fuck that perfect first comment guy reached the conclusion you're being forced to use a product you can't even sign up for yet. I'm sure Google would like people to use G+, there's no way in hell they would ever force anyone to use it. Google don't follow Microsoft, it's always been the other way around.

Comment Why the fuck wouldn't anyone want to be Google? (Score 2) 417

Why are we glossing over companies like Oracle, Microsoft, Apple, Lodsys.... who do actual evil, anti-competitive shit and troll Google not because of what they've done, but because of what they might hypothetically do according to someone's blog post?

Not saying they're saints, but compared to the alternatives they pretty much are.

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