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Comment Used Book Store vs Ebooks (Score 4, Interesting) 283

A Used Book Store is a great place to kill an afternoon, and most of my shelves are filled with both hardcover and paperback items I may never have discovered without that browsing opportunity.

That being said, I have owned a Nook Colour since the end of February and haven't cracked a paper book since I got it. I suspect my vote will be different when this poll comes around again. I already have significantly more ebooks than paper books but I'm only counting the ones I've read for my voting purposes. TPB and other sources will satisfy my "haven't heard of this, might as well read it" urge that I usually get from the book shops but I must admit that I still browse the used (and new) book shops but usually just go back home to find the ebook instead of actually bringing home the paper copy.

I suppose that would make me part of the problem, if we were discussing a problem.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 397

I thought so too. Here's a blog post by a "semi-regular" cbc reporter who was there and says they were broadcasting it over loudspeakers in both English and French.

"The riot police then start blasting a message over a loudspeaker in French and then English. I am watching the cameraperson’s back and realize I am being read the riot act."

Comment Re:Sudbury's Just Like The Moon... Not (Score 4, Informative) 28

What's the point of posting if you're going to post a deliberately misleading link? Here's the full paragraph from Wikipedia without your omission:

During the Apollo manned lunar exploration program, NASA astronauts trained in Sudbury to become familiar with shatter cones, a rare rock formation connected with meteorite impacts. However, the popular misconception that they were visiting Sudbury because it purportedly resembled the lifeless surface of the moon dogged the city for years—as recently as 2009, a CBC Radio journalist repeated the moonscape myth in a report aired on The Current,[21] although the show subsequently corrected the error by interviewing NASA astronaut Fred Haise, who confirmed that he had been in Sudbury to study rock formations.[22]

Comment Re:Hello Moto? (Score 3, Interesting) 166

Really? Check out the XDA Developer's Forum for the Milestone - this is only one Moto phone and there are over 28.5K posts in this forum. Even if that IS only 0.5% of their installed base outside of the USA (because the original Droid has an unlocked bootloader in the US, but was called the Milestone and locked tight everywhere else) that's still not a small amount of interest in non-standard ROMs.

If Motorola wants to keep everything locked down like an iphone they're of course welcome to do so. I really think that they'd do well to just offer an option to unlock the bootloader to whatever percentage of their userbase asks for it, along with voiding their warranty of course. It's not going to hurt anything if they do and they'll only reap goodwill and more fans because of it. We may be a minority but we're a vocal minority, and currently we'll all buy a non-moto phone when it comes time for our next purchase.

It doesn't make a lot of sense to me to push customers away, but then again I'm not a huge hardware company so there are probably many more factors involved in the decision. I'm only speaking as a disgruntled customer who will do my best to prevent anyone I know from getting a Motorola product from here on in. It's a safe bet that I'm not alone.


Upscaling Retro 8-Bit Pixel Art To Vector Graphics 325

An anonymous reader writes "Two researchers — Johannes Kopf from Microsoft, and Dani Lischinski from The Hebrew University — have successfully created an algorithm that depixelizes and upscales low-resolution 8-bit 'pixel art' into lush vector graphics. The algorithm identifies pixel-level details (original paper — PDF) to accurately shade the new image — but more importantly, the algorithm can create smooth, curved contour lines from only-connected-on-the-diagonal single pixels. At long last, we might be able to play Super Mario Bros. on a big screen without stretching our beloved plumber's pixels to breaking point. You really must look at the sample images." Scroll down in the paper to see how their technique stacks up against some others, including Adobe's Live Trace.

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