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Comment Re:Government responsible says, 'Look, commies'. (Score 1) 281

"even though Israel has never done anything bad to Iran"

Euh, you don't think that the locations that Israel occupies are of no importants to the people in Iran ? Because of their religion I mean.

You're right, Mecca and Medina are located inside Israel..., I mean, I'm confused.

Wait, I know, it must be because Israel goes around destroying religious monuments sacred to Muslims, right?

...umm, well, let's move on.

It must be because Israel actively persecutes Muslims through their legal system...


Fuck it, we should just attack Israel anyway. We'll think of a reason later.

Comment Re:Like lawyers, impose unrealistic limits (Score 1) 960

So do you think that's because your IT staff sees your requests and says, "Hey you know would be really fun lets wait two weeks to get back with Knave75, so he will be really irritable and give us a hard time!"

Of course not, but as I said above, even if the delay is completely reasonable, it is still aggravating. Perhaps I should not be angry, but damn do I feel angry. And, should I get attitude from the IT guy when I (very reasonably) ask how long a certain procedure will take, then I get really pissed off.

Comment Re:Like lawyers, impose unrealistic limits (Score 1) 960

As for certain simple programs, and it takes them weeks to install those programs, costing me hundreds of hours in productivity a year.

Did you ever stop to consider that the things IT is working on have a much bigger impact to the company than your personal productivity?

The question was " Why are IT people disliked?", not " should IT people be disliked?"

I'm sure there are many valid and semi-valid reasons for all that IT does, but when I have to waste hours of time that I don't have, it pisses me off. Sorry for being human.

Also, I moderately resent the implication in a good chunk of this thread that just because I'm not in IT means I have no idea what's involved. That type of attitude also contributes to the hate-on.

Comment Re:Like lawyers, impose unrealistic limits (Score 1, Interesting) 960

As somebody on the receiving end of IT "help", I'll tell you why I get annoyed.

I have a job to do. At home, the process is simple. I turn on the computer, and it just works. However, on the job, it feels like the IT department is trying to make my life as difficult as possible, while admittedly streamlining their own work. Sometimes I make requests that would save me hours a day, and the IT department complains because it will slightly increase their own workload. As for certain simple programs, and it takes them weeks to install those programs, costing me hundreds of hours in productivity a year.

I get that IT has a job to do, but it feels like IT often forgets that I have a job to do as well, and that at the end of the day their role is to facilitate my ability to do my job.

As the parent said, IT often sets things up in a way that is best for IT, not necessarily for the other employees... and that is objectively not the role of IT at all. As one of those employees, I am aware that IT is making their life easy at the expense of my productivity, and it really really really annoys me.

Comment Re:Here's The Thing. (Score 1) 413

I think you're hurricanes vs global warming prediction isn't a very good example. As a motorsports analogy, I can't predicted who is going to win the first MotoGP race of 2012, but I can confidently say that the lap times will be faster than 2011. Specific outcomes are always harder to predict than trends and averages.

Well... can they predict the number of hurricanes within a reasonable range? That's a trend...

Comment Re:Let the informed battles begin (Score 2) 413

I'm from Alaska. There, global warming is not theoretical, it is quite visible.

The nice thing about anecdotes is that they are a good substitute for variable-controlled science, with a much smaller pricetag.

Speaking of anecdotes being more useful than science, I've heard that the polar bear population is doing well. Apparently, the Inuit hunters have seen a lot of bears, which is pretty much conclusive.

Comment Let the informed battles begin (Score 4, Insightful) 413

Denier: Ah hah! Told you all! Told you all!

Warmist: World is still getting warmer, which means we will all die

Skeptic: These are all extrapolations which are barely worth the paper they are written on

Denier: We need to stop with the environmental programs, they are killing the economy

Warmist: We need to stop polluting, the world is in jeopardy

Denier: It will cost trillion to "save" the world, and it might not even be saved. Anyone who wants to spend that kind of money on a crapshoot is an idiot

Warmist: Can we afford to take a chance? Our choice is trillions now, or quadrillions later. If you don't agree with me, then you are an idiot.

Skeptic: Anybody who wants to take drastic action on the currently available data is an idiot.

Comment Re:divorce (Score 2) 332

Did the order state that I also lose control over my account? My understanding is that users can delete their account at any time, is that not correct? (Luckily, I suspect it will not be a contested divorce, so I won't have this issue, but imprisoning me over deleting my facebook account seems to be... harsh.)

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