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Comment Re:It's the base assumption that its invalid (Score 2) 392

Side note, You indirectly hit the nail right on the head. "Google can't and choose which court orders it acts on depending on the quality of that court. It's all or nothing." What is to stop a Iranian, Russian, Chinese, or any other country's court for asking for the keys to the backdoor? Google can't comply with every country's laws/requirements. So, no one gets the keys. Technically, Google could try making keys for every device, but then there is a database that can be hacked. Google could do it per country, but then what happens when someone travels between countries.

And then there is Cloud data, what if the device is in country X, with an account based in country Y and with data storied in country Z, by a company based in country A? Who's law applies?

Comment What about the KEYS? (Score 1) 867

You are the only one that mentioned it. What about the KEYS? If the USPS uses clustered mail boxes, who administers the keys. Does the HOA? What if you live in a subdivision without a HOA or property administrator? Who will maintain the boxes? What about owners/renters losing the keys? What if the house goes though foreclosure and the bank does not have the keys (can someone say locksmith)?

No keys, now it is easy to steal someone else's mail. Where will the boxes be located, in the common area, what if there is no common area. Will it be in someone's front yard? Will it cause a traffic issues with existing neighborhoods?

This could apply to almost anyone could end up costing people large amounts of money (but not the USPS, I am sure of that, since the Postmaster makes the rules).

Representative Darrell Issa, a California Republican who has spearheaded Postal Service reforms, has introduced a bill that would also require cluster boxes for existing residences with an exemption for people with disabilities.

Comment Re:Beats was a big loss maker (Score 1) 146

HTC bought a 50.1% share (controlling interest in the company) for 309 million dollars, then sold back 25% for 150 million dollars. HTC only lost ~4.5 million dollars plus the cost of the acquisition. Not a great business move, but they could have done far worse. However, they still have some control of Beats Electronics because of it (the 25% in stock).

Comment Bandwidth... (Score 1) 115

This is what I see...
1920 x 1200 (Resolution) x 32 bit (4 Bytes Color Depth) x 60 Hz (Refresh) = 4423680000 bit/s = 4423.680 mbit/s or 527 Mbytes/sec

Therefore, they must compress the video stream. So with this I get lag, bad video quality and compression artifacts.
This assumes that I have a high speed internet connection that is not capped... At 2mbit stream rate (but they required a 5mbit connection, therefore you would have some spare capacity for overhead and network issues), you would only get about ~22 hours (~45min/day) per month with a 150GB cap (assuming no overhead, other traffic or other users). I also know people that could push 22 hours in one weekend.

Comment Re:Value for money vs FanboiGasms (Score 1) 361

I will start this by saying that I have built four AMD desktop computers over the years and currently use three AMD systems (a single and quad core desktop and one dual core laptop). The quad core desktop was built as a server (video processing/storage/backup).

But, it is now time to upgrade my primary single core desktop computer (gaming and general use). I would prefer it if I could get an AMD system, however after doing the research, I am currently planning on building an Intel Core i7-930 based system. I completely agree that I could get an AMD system at a better price, but the performance would be worse than the Intel system. The point of this system is good performance at a decent price.

I had already planned to get the Intel based system before reading this review, but the Phenom II X6 review by Tom’s Hardware just reinforced my original decision.,2613-14.html

Comment Re:Cold war is over! (Score 1) 526

1) It is a liquid.

2) It was the British. Information on the substance was passed to Porton Down in 1954 and research there led to VX within a year. This was traded to the United States as the British passed over VX in favor of continuing with sarin as the UK chemical weapon of choice,...

3) The US is destroying their stockpile.

The Project Manager – Chemical Stockpile Elimination manages the safe treatment and disposal of chemical agents and weapons using incineration and neutralization technologies.

Incineration technology is being used at Anniston Army Depot, AL; Pine Bluff Arsenal, AR; Umatilla Chemical Depot, OR; and Deseret Chemical Depot, UT.

Disposal operations using neutralization technology were completed in February 2006 at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, facility - eliminating more than five percent of the nation’s chemical agent inventory. The disposal facility is now closed. The Newport Chemical Depot, IN, facility completed chemical stockpile disposal operations in August 2008 – eliminating four percent of the nation’s chemical agent inventory. Closure operations at the site are now underway.

Comment Re:No "Cowboy Neal" option? (Score 1) 491

Here, I fixed it for you...

I am appalled at the absence of ChemE's. Time to "accidentally" shut down some refineries and raise the price of gas. Then "accidentally" shutdown some power plants, water treatment plants, pharmaceutic sites, specialty chemical plants and then finish it off with a few semiconductor fabrication labs.

Comment Re:Voodoo Science: But what is the RAC for it? (Score 1) 684

I going to assume the hazard type/severity of "Catastrophic/I" (death may occur), but without a good probability, I can't calculate a RAC for it.

Risk Assessment Code
....A B C D
I... 1 1 2 3
II.. 1 2 3 4
III. 2 3 4 4
IV. 3 4 4 4

1. Imminent Danger
2. Serious
3. Moderate
4. Minor

Comment You wanted change, and you got it. (Score 2, Funny) 589

Obama is not even in office and he had made changes, changed his mind. You wanted change and you got it. If he was all about change (hopefully for the better), we would not be talking about this.

It is an old standard, better technology now exists. Sorry, it is not backwards compatible. I have seen people get completely enraged about this change. People look at it like, "If it's not broken, don't fix it." The change is a good thing, but people get defensive about the government breaking their stuff (vs. preparing for the future). Since when has watching TV been a RIGHT, not a PRIVILEGE?

PS: I don't care how I get modded. I am happy just because you used/wasted your mod points on me.

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