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Comment Re:Oh no (Score 1) 154

I hate systemd because when it breaks, it generally just stops boot without any diagnostics. It used to take nothing more than a fstab entry that it didn't like (which worked with non-systemd boots) to cause this problem.

I put up with systemd because the old SysV script boot was a horrible brittle mess that would also fall over first chance it got. It desperately needed replacement. It was debuggable but very slow.
Today the lack of diagnostics from systemd is much less of a problem because it very rarely breaks. Perhaps systemd-bsod will finally give decent diagnostics? Although it sounds like it only works for kernel errors.

Either way, systemd haters like me could have written a replacement. We didn't, and the old ways just weren't good enough. We can grumble all we want, those who do the work get to decide which work is done. systemd today is a huge step forward for Linux by every relevant measure and until someone writes something better, this is what we have.

There are a lot of similarities to the PulseAudio project, which was also a mess which got better over time, but unlike systemd never really got good enough. Then someone (thank you Wim Taymans!) actually put in the work to make a great replacement, taking the best ideas from PulseAudio and implementing them better. Perhaps it will happen to systemd as well.

One thing is for sure, grumbling does not help. Only working code helps. systemd has working code 99.9% of the time.

Comment Re: price of power (Score 2) 188

The gas backup plants are already there. They will simply run somewhat less often.

Comparing to hydro is not reasonable; hydro has all the advantages and costs very little. Unfortunately, constructing hydro in the UK starts with constructing a mountain to put it on, which somewhat increases the the cost.

Comment Re:Dwindling Helium Supplies? (Score 1) 121

It was mostly a PR disaster. It is very far down the list of actual disasters. It happened slowly, so there was footage of it, which horrified everyone. Most disasters do not get that kind of media coverage even today.

My favourite lifting gas is steam, which would require the airship to be 25% longer+wider+taller (~ double the volume).

Comment Re:Can someone explain to a layman (Score 1) 191

That's the point, they don't intend to fork the distro. The value proposition of CentOS and its clones was precisely that they did NOT fork RHEL; they stayed exactly the same apart from logos and labels.

To continue doing so, the clones would have to regularly buy a new subscription to get the updates up to that point.

Comment Re: EV detractors chime in (Score 2) 172

Like with so many other things, your "research" is once again faulty.

Really? I checked the CCS2 standard used in Europe and it looks like it tops out at about 150 kW while NACS allows 250 kW

300kW chargers are common in Europe. Tesla is "only" 250kW for now, both on the charger and the vehicle side. All chargers are CCS2, except for a few CHAdeMO.

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