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Submission + - Google Announces Fix For SMS Bug in Android (

c0mpliant writes: Google have announced a fix for the bug in the default Android SMS messaging app. The bug, which was recently discussed on Slashdot, was at first being treated with medium priority, was escalated to Critical following massive public outcry. The bug was actually two bugs, one in which the wrong message thread was opened and one in which the SMS was simply sent to another, seemingly random contact within the Android phonebook. Google have not revealed the exact cause of the error but have changed the status to "FutureRelease"

Comment Re:Not a joke (Score 2) 177

Here's how it works: when Chrome 8 is branched to beta, trunk becomes Chrome 9. At first the difference is purely cosmetic.
But yes, Chrome N+1 is born at the same instant Chrome N goes to beta. From the next canary or dev release on you will see Chrome N+1 versions, though differences between them and Chrome N (already in beta) may be very small.

Comment Re:A good step, but not good enough (Score 1) 288

> root certificates for Google's HTTPS site

there is no such thing as a "root certificate for site". there is a "certificate", issued to a certain "subject" for a certain "canonical [site] name".

> 1024-bit RSA keys.

this is true.

> Google's HTTPS site use MD2

this is not. you can test it yourself:

$ openssl s_client -connect /dev/null | openssl x509 -text ...
                        Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                        RSA Public Key: (1024 bit) ...
        Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption

Comment Re:Hang on... (Score 3, Interesting) 275

> Maybe that cert has been compromised by a Chinese insider.

i don't see's cert on any revocation lists, so it's probably ok.
given the approach google has taken in other aspects of the unfolding drama,
i think it's a fairly safe bet that it would've been revoked by now if there was any doubt that it may have been compromised.

Comment Re:No Brainer (Score 3, Insightful) 275

> As usual, Google leads the pack in creating groundbreaking technology, and comes in dead last in dealing with the boring stuff, like dealing with security issues

and now you show me another free mail service of any significance that has IMAPS, POP3S, SMTPS and now HTTPS (yes, all with *S, because Gmail requires you to use SSL for SMTP, POP3 and IMAP, and has been doing so since the very beginning, HTTPS was available for use for a while, though not required or offered by default).
if google is dead last, the internet must be swarming with secure mail services, right? ...right?

Comment Re:Wait, what? (Score 1) 275

starting at certain bitrates, there's simply not enough processing power to apply compression.
modern general purpose CPU can gzip at just tens of megabytes per second, simpler and less effective algorithms may give you couple hundred MBytes/sec, which is still just a couple Gb/s.

now imagine you have couple dozen 10 gig ports, in and out. and that's just the beginning, some high-end gear has 100+ 10G ports, all lit.
specialized ASICs can help, but they're not free either and ultimately don't take you very far, especially after throwing in all that memory required for processing.
all in all, none of the high-end routing or switching gear does compression nowadays, it's simply not worth it, in dollars and milliseconds of added latency.

Comment Re:Wait, what? (Score 1) 275

> And most importantly: One standing connection.

which is also a drawback on links with any kind of loss - one lost packet stall everything until it's retried.
not to mention throwing away parallelism on good links - HTTP standard allows 2 concurrent connections to the server, most browsers open more, and the difference is easily noticeable.

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