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Comment Re:Google is a pile of shit (Score 1) 255

i.e.: Ask yourself why you want to block all Google hosts and open your mind to a new solution to that same problem. One that while less evident may well be more feasible.

I'm increasingly trying to find reasons not to block. Their G+ tracker icons and toolbar are now all over the place (even saw the toolbar on Liveleak, of all places, at one point). They've extended their Real Name harassment to anyone who logs on to GMail. (They've done it only once for me, for now, as opposed to the every-reload rain of creepy that sent me flying from YouTube, but a day or so before that incident I also had to unblock to even log in. My account was apparently not "upgraded" by that, but least buy me dinner first.)

"Pile of shit"? Not quite, but they're aiming for it and have already reached "damage to the internet".

Comment Re:Told Ya (Score 2) 236

As bunches have already said here, the real issue is not whether the US prosecutes Assange, but whether the US (or any of its territories or non-annexed lackeys) punishes Assange with (or far more likely without) a Speedy And Public Trial.

Also, given that the US clearly has no respect for privacy or whistleblower protection, that statement by DoJ sounds less like a reassurance and much more like a less-than-implicit threat to other journalists. "What happened to Assange could happen to any of you TrueCrypting notepad-hugging on Kimye like the good serfs you are and don't be that guy."

Comment Re:Something to neither be praised or coveted (Score 0) 310

Meh. I don't want either big-name console because DRM (well mostly a lack of funds, but increasingly DRM), and I'm not a fan of Yet Another Game With Guns And Deathmatches: Modern Warfare 5, but a good video game can open your mind, challenge your reflexes, and even teach you how to play itself through its own design (yes, I'm referring to that egoraptor vid). Making one, of course, is a challenge and artistic and scientific opportunity all its own as well.

Personally, I'd love to see (or found?) a group that makes games one day and investigative journalism the next, one that trains the brain and puts it to use. (Though I'll admit "The alleged charity embezzler did not return our calls. In other news, the HeadShotQuest sniper rifle staff glitch is fixed!" might raise eyebrows.)

Comment Re:BUT SNOWDEN (Score 3, Interesting) 162

Yeah, it's not wise to stop holding our government to account. I'd rather the US set an example for the worse countries by reining in its bribe-happy CIA, bringing the troops home from profit wars, closing GTMO, and stopping espionage that is not required to stop a known and imminent threat to lives.

Or I guess we can adopt the motto "Still more tolerant and less bloody than Genghis Khan!" but it doesn't quite radiate that exceptional aura.

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