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Comment Re:*sigh* (Score 1) 224

As someone who was looking forward to seeing what the LHC would teach us about physics, let me be the first to say "Get off /. and get back to work!"

(No hard feelings, I just couldn't pass up the joke. Please don't aim your black-hole machine at my house.)

Comment Re:Slashdot browser shares?? (Score 1) 575

These numbers are faked. If your stats were accurate exactly 11.7% would be showing Emacs/w3m. Of course, you cold just be a jealous vi user who has no web browser or Rogue client built in to your text editor.

Text editor? When did they add a text editor to the Emacs OS?

Comment Re:Might read this again (Score 1) 203


All three are definitely not a single work.

Re-read the trilogy. The ending of Neuromancer (the joining of the two AIs and its effect upon the Matrix) is directly responsible for the creation of the "voodoo gods" that show up in Count Zero, which give rise to Dr. Mitchell's research and Angie's implant. The three books are absolutely one work.

Comment Re:I've done battle with them and retreated... (Score 1) 359

Got them to spell out my name with their ant trails. Wife wasn't as impressed as you might imagine.

That was your mistake, you should have got the ants to spell out your wife's name Women love that romantic stuff!

Huh. Guess that's why I'm still single - my first thought was "Guy needs a new wife." Your idea is probably better.

Comment Re:Ethical Treatment of Flies (Score 3, Insightful) 197

Ok, normally I don't feed the trolls but I've got nothing better to do while my code compiles:

One of the most profound insights into the nature of human existence was the Milgram Experiment [wikipedia.org]. Basically, most people don't have an internal moral compass: they don't have any inherent aversion to inflicting pain, suffering, and death on others.

Wrong. Even though the participants in the Milgram experiment complied, they all raised questions about it. Clearly they recognized it as wrong - the findings only say that we, as a species, will submit to authority, NOT that we lack a moral compass.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 582

They simply weren't as popular as "conventional" aircraft. I would suspect part would be due to the difference in manufacturing cost, and some to do with customer faith. "I know an airplane with wings and a tail can fly. Why should I believe something like that can?".

Actually the lack of popularity for flying wings has nothing to do with either of those - it's because it's a VERY hard design to stabilize and control.

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