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Comment Re:Wow, what a list... (Score 1) 169

The reason it's a list of shitty movies is because the producers of these films are looking to make bank. These films didn't do well at the box office, so this is just another revenue stream to work. This is particularly important for them if the film didn't generate enough revenue in theaters to cover expenses.

Comment Re: First Trump U, and now this (Score 2) 165

Couldn't most degrees be distilled down to "Read this stack of books, memorize these sets of facts, and perform these written exercises"?

Anyway, I have an MBA. I enjoyed it a lot. I got a lot of benefit from classroom instruction and interacting with professors. And I got enough understanding of business that I was able to start my own business, which I ran for six years.

I live in a banking town, so there were a lot of folks there getting an MBA with a finance concentration. It seemed to be very beneficial for them, career-wise.

I work in IT. My university did not have an IT concentration at the time, but I do have a lot of thoughts on how IT management should/could have been integrated into my university's program in a way that would have boosted my career even faster. But staying relevant to the job market is a problem for all degree programs, not just MBA's.

Submission + - Autonomous Vehicles will cause a Canadian Congestion Crisis (

McGruber writes: Transportation experts are warning that Autonomous Vehicles will cause a Congestion Crisis in Canada: "We could see as much as a 30 per cent increase in total vehicle traffic,” said Todd Litman, the executive director of the Victoria Transport Policy Institute in British Columbia.

Right now, the average commute in Canada’s largest city, Toronto, is already 34 minutes and with this projection, it could mean people are stuck on the street for closer to 45 minutes. For those who live in Vancouver or Montreal, where the average commute time is 30 minutes, drivers could face an extra 10 minutes stuck in traffic.

Adam Millard-Ball, an assistant professor in the environmental studies department at UC Santa Cruz, said AVs have an incentive to generate congestion. “Cruising at low speeds is not only cheaper per hour than paid parking, but cheaper per hour than traveling at high speeds." said Millard-Ball. "If they are just waiting, then they want to get stuck in traffic on purpose and create their own traffic congestion.” Ball predicted that even just 2,000 self-driving vehicles on San Francisco’s streets would slow traffic, on smaller side roads, to around three km/h.

Submission + - Is Dockerisation a fad? 4

Qbertino writes: I do LAMP Development for a living, and in recent years Docker has been the hottest thing since sliced bread. You are expected to "dockerize" your setups and be able to launch a whole string of processes to boot up various containers with databases and your primary PHP monolith with the launch of a single script. All fine and dandy this far.

However, I can't shake the notion that much of this — especially in the context of LAMP — seems overkill. If Apache, MariaDB/MySQL and PHP are running, getting your project or multiple projects to run is trivial. The benefits of having Docker seem negilible, especially having each project lug its own setup along. Yes, you can have your entire compiler and CI stack with SASS, Gulp, Babel, Webpack and whatnot in one neat bundle, but that doesn't seem to dimish the usual problems with the recent bloat in frontend tooling, to the contrary. ... But shouldn't tooling be standardised anyway? And shouldn't Docker then just be an option, who couldn't be bothered to habe (L)AMP on their bare metal?

I'm still sceptical of this dockerisation fad. I get it makes sense if you need to scale microsevices easy and fast in production, but for 'traditional' development and traditional setups, it just doesn't seem to fit all that well. What are your experiences with using Docker in a development environment? Is Dockerisation a fad or something really useful? And should I put up with the effort to make Docker a standard for my development and deployment setups?

Educated slashdot opinions requested. Thanks.

Comment Re:...and the cost for not becoming carbon neutral (Score 2) 384

Migration? How about war. As the changing climate makes food and other resources more scarce, countries will be willing to go to war with one another to acquire those resources.

Expect EVERY nation to feel the pinch, while the smaller nations start fighting it out. And then it will bubble up to the larger nations.

Comment Re:...and the cost for not becoming carbon neutral (Score 5, Insightful) 384

Climate Change is a "frog in the kettle" problem. The changes are happening slowly enough that uninformed skeptics can dismiss the impacts. And the impacts are hitting poverty-stricken areas of the world the hardest, where there is already a delicate balance of life. You know, those areas of the world that we in the first world don't give a fuck about because we're cozy in our middle class lives. But those impacts will eventually catch up to us.

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