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Comment Re:2010... (Score 1) 269

You are probably right. I do understand what you're saying, most people get completely confused with even the slightest change but the point is, you're not buying an OS, you are buying a device.

The same people that get extremely confused by icon choices couldn't care less what OS their netbook is running, they will use what ever it came with. Vista is proof enough of that.

My point is it is not unthinkable for a vendor like Asus to create an environment that is simple enough for people with no prior experience with it to learn how to use. Obviously they might look at it and go 'wtf' cause it's not what they're used to but a show and tell and simple clear instructions should be enough right? Remember we are only talking about email, web, messenger. That is it. That's all most people use. As long as flash works, as long as you can click 'gmail' and up pops up your gmail account and so on then I can not see how it is simpler to instead use windows.

The lack of car analogies is much appreciated :)

Comment Re:2010... (Score 1) 269

This whole 'used to windows' thing really bugs me. What difference does it make what OS your browser is running on? You telling me people don't know how to use firefox on mac os x/eee's linux distro but do know how to use it on windows? That's absolutely ridiculous.

Asus themselves proved this with the first release of the Eee which didn't run windows, people were still buying it and I never heard anyone one of them complain that it wasn't windows so they didn't know how to use it. It just has 4 huge buttons named 'browser', 'email' and etc. Please explain how anyone can not know how to use that.

Comment Re:I think this problem was solved years ago... (Score 1) 252

Attendance is no measure of academic ability.

If the university is treating students as children it's probably because, on average, they are.

Their problem, not the university's. If they are being treated as children, then they will act like children.
If someone does not attend and does not bother to even gauge the complexity of the course they will get what they deserve, nothing more nothing less

Comment Re:Not as serious... (Score 1) 334

They can dual license it if the code author allows them to. It is common practice in these dual license scenarios to ask for the code author to do this. Whether they allow it or not is another matter entirely.

Also note that most countries have a minimum size (not well defined obviously) that a work must be in order to be considered copyright-worthy. A one byte patch for example would not be covered by copyright.

Comment Re:Oracle needs to cater to business not the commu (Score 1) 334

"The downside is that they can't just merge the open code back into the commercial database, and that is a significant downside."

Says who? As far as I know Oracle has no plans to change MySQL's license.

Since both MySQL and its forks are open source there's nothing stopping them from merging the two. In fact that is what Maria DB is doing, merging changes to MySQL into it.


Submission + - France passes 'three-strikes' law (bbc.co.uk)

Zef writes: The BBC reports that "[a] controversial French bill which could disconnect people caught downloading content illegally three times has been passed by the National Assembly."

Getting Rid Of Problem Customers Screenshot-sm

I would love to discuss your complaint. If you could just give that bolt a half turn, we can get started.

Red Hat Says They'll Be In Linux Long After Novell 150

Jane Walker writes "Red Hat general counsel Mark Webbink goes to the mat for his company regarding the Microsoft/Novell partnership, in this SearchOpenSource.com Q&A. 'In one year, Red Hat will be all that remains of commercial Linux, he said.'" From the article: "Between last week and this one, it is clear that the two largest software vendors in the world perceive Linux to be at least on the same plane as them. They have got to respect what we have done. Having said that, does Red Hat think either of them has taken the right approach, now that Microsoft and Novell have made 'Microvell'? They've gone off the road a bit, we think, but we are feeling good about the attention that has been brought to Linux. "

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