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Comment Re:Don't jump the gun yet... (Score 1) 272

It doesn't get proven. That's the whole point of that objection. It allows the person making it to sound intellectual while tossing up a smokescreen where there's always some unspecified alternative explanation but there's never a specific one that the researchers can disprove or any point where the person chanting "correlation != causation" will ever concede anything. It's religious fundamentalism wrapped up in a pseudoscientific veneer where gosh they'd really like to believe this but their strong dedication to the skepticism prevents them from doing so.

Comment Re:Mind Boggling Legacy Junk Still In Win 7 (Score 1) 483

Stupid fun Windows fact: In the event that Windows has 26 partitions, the next partition created is AA. In the somewhat less likely event that you're up to ZZ, it goes back to AAA-ZZZ then AAAA-ZZZZ. I think that the highest anyone's gone was 5 characters although there weren't anywhere near that number of real partitions; they just wanted an amusing drive name and decided that creating tens of thousands of partitions was just the way to do it.

Comment Re:How else would you terminate them? (Score 1) 612

Unless you're manually packing string constants into memory, the space used by a string is the size of the buffer. Even packed, alignment issues mean the 3 bytes aren't usable without extra effort and performance costs for misaligned memory accesses. On a microcomputer which is extremely space-constrained but can access any spot in memory without consideration of alignment it makes sense. On a modern PC or even many embedded systems these days, not so much.

Comment Re:Frost piss (Score 2, Interesting) 348

Escaping notice is the most important part of keeping malware on system. After it's found, the question is more about how painful it is to get off the system than whether it's going to get removed. Since modern malware authors want their software to stick around in the background for as long as possible, they just avoid doing anything outrageous and let the zombie send out a trickle of emails.

Experience with Windows users shows that the average end user who's willing to click on something like the author was talking about isn't going to get suspicious and won't suspect something two levels deep in a dot folder with an official/cryptic sounding name. They can be brazen and call it 'smtpmmd' for SMTP mass mailer daemon and it'll still probably slip under the radars of at least a few people who know how to look at their active processes. The only real solution is an automated searching tool and at that point you're doing the same thing as all the Windows AV programs, just with a somewhat easier time of it.

Comment Re:Really a surprise? (Score 3, Funny) 493

Well he said the Unix way so I'm assuming he's thinking of some sort of demented scheme involving fork() and a filter-style JS interpreter which spits out a shell script which is then piped to bash with the DOM as an HTML file and the output redirected back to Firefox. Or the official Windows binary was compiled with Intel's monolithic compiler rather than gcc.

Comment Re:Does it matter still ? (Score 1) 326

NT supported multiple architectures originally, and the developers ran on a non-x86 architecture IIRC. It boiled down to everyone already having working x86 code and not wanting (or not able) to switch that even if they did want MIPS or Alpha. Midori (a possible successor for NT-based Windows) uses managed code for everything, so they're certainly leaving open the possibility of running on any architecture by generating the per-architecture code at load time or run time. They'd have to use some sort of virtualization for legacy code, but it'd leave future architecture choices free.

Comment Re:Pricing Rational? (Score 2, Informative) 842

This article is treating the starter edition as something totally new which we haven't heard of due to Microsoft's diabolical scheming. Microsoft already made similar versions for XP and Vista but nobody heard of them because they were never sold in any developed country. Outside of some bizarre speculation by some bloggers that it'd double as a netbook edition, nobody has said anything about that version being sold outside of developing nations. Whatever the most basic version is that will be sold in the US, EU, Japan, Australia etc. will be like every previous Windows version in that it'll run as many processes as you want.

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