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Comment Re:Three options... (Score 2, Informative) 417

The haters are out this morning:

"... Shrink, I want to kill. I mean, I wanna, I
wanna kill. Kill. I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see blood and gore and
guts and veins in my teeth. Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill, Kill,
KILL, KILL." And I started jumpin up and down yelling, "KILL, KILL,"" :-)

RISC blows CISC away: [skip or walk]

- so much so, that they still bolt it on CISC [with some success]

[Don't bother with the subheading "Diminishing benefits", it's BS, look at IBM's POWER]


Our G5 x2 2.5 is soon to be a companion to our Xserve x2 1.33 [redundant DNS].
Just add:

Swift Data 200:

Inside your Power Mac G5:

"catastrophic coolant leak":

Comment Polaris (HP) For WIN (Score 1) 389

For You, Blue.


Virus Safe Computing:

Polaris uses a kernel driver to work around a bug that Microsoft claims is not security related. We believe this kernel driver is the reason Polaris does not work with Windows Vista. If you run without it, you are vulnerable to an attacker who mounts a Shatter attack after launching a process via the COM server. However, you're probably safe until Polaris becomes widely used.

This version is a first prototype, which means there are a number of things we didn't do and a number of bugs we didn't fix. For example, this version does not support linked files. However, almost 100 people have used Polaris, some of them for several years, and have reported few problems. A few have them have reported that Polaris saved them from some nasty virues.

Polaris is NOT supported by HP. Send all questions to:

alan.karp at

Comment FINALLY Someone "Gets It" (Score 1) 389

Remember when people used to laugh when the subject of hardware infection came up?
Let's mark the dated - May 2010, now can we move on to securing our hardware [without draconian measures].
If we're able to get the HW manufacturers on board we might see something of a victory in the near future and be able to compute without interference.

This problem has never been taken seriously - and it's about time.


Comment Clients (Score 1) 349

Cut to the chase.

You have Client machines - not all are going to be the latest or the greatest in hypervisor tech., [you do what you have to do to keep things afloat]. Consider, Thin Clients from a myriad of hardware offerings, less headaches and better Server hardware will keep you way ahead of the curve and lessen your - footprint, exposure and budget.
The caveat is only if your Clients run AutoCAD, heavy graphic intensive programs or major databases, programming.

Windows, UNIX or Linux - or all, "pick your poison" the rest is academic.
Good luck.

Comment Forget Julian Assange (Score 1) 116

Forget Julian Assange, he will never touch any of the inner workings of WikiLeaks simply because he's such a target.

As for Collateral Murder, the caveat is the attempted rescue [van] and the permission to engage, period.

Since when do we, the United States of America, fire upon anyone tending to the wounded?
[Don't give me that shit about "marked" ambulances - this was a war zone, yes, but also their neighborhood - think about].
Never, is the answer, and this is why it should be reviewed and changed, forbid as it once was.

Comment Beyond A Mere Perception Problem (Score 1) 1671


At the risk of sounding as a * cynic might, I have to say what they "saw" was an hallucination, and I actually understand it.
"It" being the hallucination, mind you - the problem is, - they don't understand.
They don't understand what it is - because beer don't do that to you.
And, yes, I saw the camera, probably because of the forewarning, yes, I saw him stealthily peek around the corner with his camera - *it's a war zone*, he's a *War Photojournalist*.
Watch from a distance as a Soldier works, a Cop, even some Mothers, same thing.
Forgive me, but this is beyond a mere perception problem, it's a condition called "attribute substitution".

I suffer from something similar, myself [that's another day].
We are the sum of our experiences, and some experiences are worth more than others.

John Wayne would have smacked those two boys, "Hotel" and "Crazyhorse".
Bringing hot death to someone's neighborhood is not for the cavalier.

You've seen those moments in Movies ... where the Leader, the one with his head screwed on straight doles out righteousness to the corner cutters?
This is ripe for for one of those real life moments, from someone of stature, like a Colin Powell type figure
- oh, yeah, that's right, there are none - and we burned him as well.
If you're thinking, Jim ... boy-'eyooouu!, you watch too many Movies, I'd ask you what kind of impact that film,
the one you just saw, had on you and mention to you to check your pulse [at the door].

This, what you sent me, "Collateral Murder" is the most powerful piece of *NEWS I've ever witnessed, a feat in it self.
It's HORRIFYING in it's pedestrian-ness, and so utterly shallow in it's regard.
Every human being should be required to view this - then on to a lecture about "making visual calls" [even with telescopic enhancements].

Ask any Referee, they know about hallucinations, it happens all the time. It's happening to
to you right now.

  *NEWS: North, East, West, South

My Sister, Brothers and I, as well as our Mother had a Journalist for a Father and a Husband.
They actually are a worthwhile lot.

cynic |sinik|
1 a person who believes that people are motivated purely by self-interest rather than acting for honorable or unselfish reasons : some cynics thought that the controversy was all a publicity stunt.
  a person who questions whether something will happen or whether it is worthwhile : the cynics were silenced when the factory opened.

Aoccdrnig To Cmabrigde Uinervtisy

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

The Man's Too Strong - Dire Straits

Comment Testify (Score 1) 276

You realize, I hope, that your car will testify against you in court.
Don't piss it off - it WILL Rick-roll your ass.

See: On Star

Y'all like that commercial where On Star shuts your motor off and allow the Police to have their way with the driver?
(it's in the context of a stolen car)
Can't wait for the first person mistakenly tazed to death for blowing by a cruiser.
Misuse of this will soon be news.

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