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Comment Re:It's "homogeneity" / spelling (Score 1) 225

OK, that's funny. Well deserving of +5.
Indulge me here in a rant about spelling.
I'm sure we all agree that English spelling is hard and irrational. G.B. Shaw joked that "ghoti" is pronounced "fish": 'gh' as in "cough", 'o' as in "women", and 'ti' as in "nation". Story goes that English spelling was set in stone by the first printer who typeset an English manuscript: a dutchman who didn't speak the language.
Spanish did away with all that nonsense years ago. Words are spelled exactly as they are pronounced: "fotografia", etc.
Correct spelling is important for the following reason: it's a measure of your skill at observation. If you have been looking at the correct spelling of a word all your life, every time you read, how come you can't get it right?
When you get hired for a job, you will be expected to learn lots of things by observation; also you will be expected to pay attention to detail. Whether you can spell or not is a measure of your ability. It's a test of whether you understand the code, have had the proper upbringing.
Bad spelling means you are not able to pay attention to detail, and you're a slow learner. Does that sound like someone an employer would want to hire? Unless it's flipping burgers.
Poor spelling is like showing up at a hip venue, dressed in a 70's leisure suit: you just don't get it.
Caveat: English is not my native language (neither is Spanish), sorry for any typos.

Comment Re: biometrics (Score 1) 849

Funny... I bought a top-of-the-line Lenovo ThinkPad a few months ago. At first, the fingerprint scan was fun. Then it stopped working reliably. I scan over and over and get that damn red circle. Now it's not worth trying anymore. And no, my fingerprint is not scarred, not wrinkled from being wet, not altered in any way.

I thought of re-scanning, but the Lenovo Support Tech said that, thanks to a quirk in their wonderful Client Security layer, I had to use my _original_ Windows password, not the password I had had the audacity to change recently. Needless to say I didn't remember my original password. Nor do I want to reset the BIOS (as he suggested).

Complexity dooms technology (see "Knob in the Shuttle window").

Comment Punched cards (Score 1) 465

I worked with punched cards as a student in the 60's, and at my first job in the 70's. It was kind of neat. Editing source code consisted of shuffling cards. To 'insert' or 'delete' a character, you had to press hard on the card to prevent it from dup'ing in synch with the other card. We invented the 240-column card (three four-bit digits per column).

Compiling a 4,000-line assembler program took 40 minutes. When cards jammed and tore, you had to re-key them manually.

In the late 80's, the Boston Computer Museum had an excellent working display of punched card equipment. They closed, but their exhibits were shipped to a computer museum in Mountain View, CA.

They sell a DVD of a movie that shows the early days of computing, including scientists manually copying results displayed on a primitive CRT: "See how they ran". ahref=>, which I seem to recall runs longer than 17 min.

PS: I never dropped, nor saw dropped, a tray of cards. Besides, they were sequence-numbered and could be re-sorted.

Comment All generators are not the same (Score 1) 695

I have a fair amount of experience with home generators & heating. See my observations

In particular, pay attention to the duty cycle and operating life of the generator.

If your furnace is hot-air, you need 220 V. and probably 2,400 watts, which means the generator must deliver 3,600 or better 4,800 watts on a single outlet. The motor sucks a lot of juice at start-up.

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