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Comment Re:Savage is anti-bullying? (Score 4, Informative) 775

And if the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything. Does that undermine the fabric of our society? I would argue yes, it does.

That is what Santorum said. And I think most of the West these days considers anything consenting adults do in the privacy of their own home to not be the end of the world and not the governments bloody business.

Also the logical conclusion of Santorum's position is to either "fix" all the gays or to restrain them from being able to have gay sex. I am an Evangelical Christian and I think Santorum is a dangerous man whose basic ideology is antithetical to liberal democracy.

Comment Re:Cyberbullying (Score 4, Insightful) 775

deliberately trying to game the search engine to have your results on top

No gaming involved. Google's search results are based on how popular a particular link is. People find the sexual meaning of santorum to be worth linking to. As pointed out in the article this isn't a Google bomb like linking "miserable failure" to "George H. W. Bush" was.

However, a person's name definitely belongs to them.

No it doesn't unless they have a unique name and have trademarked it. Plenty of Santorums, and santorum, in the world apart from one ludicrously anti-gay presidential wannabe.

Comment Re:I Left Today (Score 2, Informative) 722

due to the sheer number of Redditors there actively defending pedophiles and their crimes under the guise of "free speech"

Pedophilia is a sexual orientation that is as "natural" as any other sexual orientation, and pedophiles should have the same legal rights as anyone else unless they molest children. Also most child molesters aren't pedophiles.

The "crimes" were posting pictures of fully clothed children and making creepy comments. Any actual child pornography was reported and banned as standard policy.

The number of members there who seem to base their morals on whether something is legal or not

Which is exactly what you are doing. Your morals seem to consist of "its against the law" and "its creepy".

Comment Re:sloped armor (Score 1) 600

It's this versatility that allowed for cheap mass production because instead of having to build light, medium and heavy tanks, USSR could focus on one medium tank that could perform well in light and heavy roles as well.

That's nice but bears no resemblance to history. The Soviets still built heavy tanks (the KV and IS series), self-propelled guns, and assault guns to the end of the war because the T-34, even in numbers, had a hard time dealing with late war German heavy armour and dug in anti-tank guns and was not designed for infantry support. The T-34 was built in such large numbers because they were lost in such large numbers.

The Main Battle Tank happened after WWII when improvements in metallurgy made a fast, heavily armed, and well armoured tank possible.

Comment Re:FUD (Score 1) 273

They still get busted regularly by this as it is trivial for a CC company to run an analysis and find the common factors amongst multiple stolen numbers.

Sure in theory you could dilute the numbers enough to make this kind of tracking infeasible, but most low-level criminals are too stupid and lazy to run a secure scam. Smart criminals either never touch the money and run things from the dark, or they go big into corporate crime.

Comment Re:Be careful what you ask for (Score 3, Informative) 263

[quote]With the tanks the German made Leopards we just retired were superior in a lot of roles[/quote]

Yes but they were mostly worn out. We operated stuff like the Leopards and M113's well past the use-by-date on the chassis.

The real problem with the Abram's deal is that our government is terrified of anything to do with the words "nuclear" or "uranium" (unless it is exporting uranium) and so we got the crappy armour for our Abram's that the Americans replaced in the mid-80's.

The problem is that most of our local defence needs are going to involve urban/jungle warfare where "modern" AT weapons (like the ancient RPG-7) would tear our under-armoured Abrams, let alone Leopards, apart. We would have been better off spending the money on some tracked IFV's with a big gun version of that IFV to fill the tank role. Instead we bought MBT's which we have little use for and lack the logistics to support properly, and are mostly reliant on wheeled IFVs like the ASLAV or Bushmaster. Those are fine for the dry season but would be almost totally worthless in the rainy season.

Comment Re:Just coat them with plutonium (Score 5, Interesting) 668

Most of them don't care. It is pretty obvious when someone is a copper thief.

I think anything less than full photo registration of sellers, and a bureaucracy to make sure sure no scap is being "laundered", is about the only way to stop it. However that would probably cost more than the copper thieves do.

Comment Re:Bleeding Edge Aviation (Score 1) 379

Test pilot is synonymous with risk, even more so than being a fighter pilot.

Except these aren't test models. The F-22 production model was finalised in 1997, the first production models were delivered in 2003! To put that in perspective entire jet aircraft were designed, flown in combat, and retired during a similar amount of time in the Cold War.

These are production aircraft that have only been used on "test" missions because they are too expensive to risk on real missions, and they have a history of stupid problems like this one which can easily lead to loss of aircraft on a real mission even without enemy action. The airforce won't shitcan the aircraft because it is the only proper stealth (JFS stealth is a joke) manned aircraft they are getting.

The military procurement system in the English speaking world (significant because it is mostly the same companies at the top in the US, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom) has been sick since the 80's and I can't remember a major procurement since then that didn't last longer then a world war and end in a notably flawed product (maybe the F/A-18 Super Hornet). The USN has aluminium hulled boats corroding due to lack of cathodic protection, the USMC took 20 years to get the Osprey to stop falling out of the sky, the USAF has the F-22 and JSF, the US Army had the Bradley (whose terrible procurement process spawned a book and a movie). At this point we may as well open the treasuries to the defence contractors and say "take what you want, just deliver a working weapon system within a decade".

Comment Re:The truth slowly comes out (Score 3, Informative) 647

Of course, most non-idiots have known for some time that the CIA and Mossad have been in a state of undeclared war with Iran for several years now

Several years? Try since the CIA overthrew the civilian government of Iran in 1953. And the Iranians haven't been sitting quietly and taking it like a victim. There is plenty of evidence that Iranian resources were being used to train and supply insurgents in Iraq and Palestine.

Iran was innocent when the CIA first got involved but these days they are playing the game with the big boys and getting what they deserve (as is the CIA).

Comment Re:Mod parent up! (Score 1) 533

What a load of crap. Most of those new PC users in the 80's weren't doing innovative new things on their new PC's, they were running the software that IT tested and deployed. PC's were mainly used to replace established pen & paper work practices, not so the users could innovate.

The same is true for smart phones. Most of the people who claim to need a smart phone to do their job are just replacing a laptop that did the same job. The smart phone might be slightly more convenient but it isn't some huge world changing innovation of that particular business use.

If people had of demanded that 25 year ago PC architectures should be connected to the modern Internet they would have been laughed out of the meeting. Don't blame IT for the fact that the underlying architecture of most smart phones is not suitable to secure business practices.

Comment Poor risk analysis (Score 2) 193

What I want to know is why the secondary coolant pumps were housed in tin sheds instead of say a concrete bunker like the primary reactor buildings?

I had just assumed for all these years that something as important as the secondary coolant system would be protected by more then some steel panelling. If they had of placed the secondaries in a concrete bunker on the side of the primary reactor building opposite the ocean then it would take a disaster big enough to crack the reactor building to put them out of commission.

It would probably end up cheaper then building a sea wall.

Comment Re:The point of laws and courts... (Score 0) 411

Then you simply redefine fairness and justice with a comprehensive propaganda campaign so that the average persons expectations are adjusted inline with what those in power want.

The program has been working wonderfully in America from what I have observed (how else do you explain people that demand to pay more for a private health system with worse outcomes then public health systems?).

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