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Comment Re:it worries me (Score 1) 398

That's very interesting. Thank you for the information - I know this is a late reply and we are a bit off-topic.

I have started using King Arthur flour just recently - their all-purpose and bread flours. As part of my wish-list for Christmas, I've got about thirty things I want from their website; while it is a bit pricey, some of their stuff looks awesome. This includes some of their custom flours that can't be found in the grocery store. Thanks for the recommendation; it shows that I'm on the right track, and that's encouraging.


Comment Re:Is this really that uncommon? (Score 1) 398

You really hate the mall? I'm similar to you about being bored shitless about clothes (I do like to get unique T-shirts from thinkgeek or whatnot), but I've never had bad feelings about the mall, really. I hate clothes shopping... but the mall also has a bookstore. I guess if you're not into gaming it's not as big of a draw, but especially when I was younger I loved going into stores like Electronic Boutique, the video arcade, and if you were lucky the mall would have a gaming store that sold tabletop RPGs / wargames / comics/ M:tG and other card games, etc. I guess my love for malls came from when I was younger, but I still like to go in to the bookstore and look around for a while... I guess I am still just a kid. I haven't been into an arcade for some time, though, and wonder if I ever will again... but I do like going in and looking at RPGs and things in the gaming store and the bookstore, maybe manga (though it's hard to find anything good that's worth the fuck-me-over price, unlike how cheap manga is in Japan). And looking at magazines (I still pick up a new issue of 2600 now and then and maybe weird tales or something).

but clothes shopping? what a drag...

and oh yeah - I've been into cooking for about three years now and always make a new dish or two every week. I try to change up enough things on the menu so we don't have a similar dish for a week or more... as far as breakfast goes, I always forget you can eat in the morning. =) I do love making new desserts all the time though, and I'm really into baking right now...

Comment Re:it worries me (Score 2) 398

Er.. she could be a chef. ;)

I'm actually in my 'cooking' phase right now... now being about three years. Due to various awkward circumstances about not working and stuff like that, I have always had lots of free time and never did much with it that was useful or constructive... so finally finding some way that I could help contribute has been a very useful activity for me. Having this sort of time means that I can try to make new/different meals every day/week... maybe eventually I will become a pastry chef or something. I really like baking and am learning a lot right now, even though I also do all the cooking for supper, desserts and etc. I spend a lot of time in the kitchen.

Did you know there's so many types of flour that it can literally make your head explode thinking about them? True story.

In fact, the difference between regular all-purpose flour and pastry flour or cake flour is the amount of proteins per gram in them, so if you buy all-purpose and figure out how much protein is in the flour per gram, it might turn out that it's actually cake flour (7% protein iirc). And you should never buy bleached flour - it's pointless and takes away from the taste. I'm not even sure why they bleach flour, except that the process is probably easier and more efficient for them when they make it... but it's not really any cheaper than unbleached flour, which is what you should always get. Except cake flour is always bleached due to the way they make it.

Then there's wheat flour, which has the entire wheat kernel in it, which means you are supposed to always refrigerate wheat flour, otherwise the wheat germ oil becomes oxidized over time. There's many subtypes of each flour, depending on the region it was farmed and made, and even variations in the same brand of flour across the country, because it's produced from different fields...

Comment These posts remind me of... Koyaanisqatsi. (Score 1) 428

Koyaanisqatsi. Hopi for "life out of balance," a word that is only known to many because of a particular movie of the same name. It's not that technology drives our lives out of balance; far from it. It is when technology supercedes everything else. Serial Experiments: Lain. Ghosts in the shell. Living in the circuitry. A holy silicon wafer.

So many posts in this thread use the excuse, "We will be buying a 2-year plan for a phone we have to have anyway, might as well get this one," or "A phone is something you use everyday anyway, might as well be a good one," when these statements blind users to the fact that a phone isn't always necessary. I must be the only person reading this thread without a smart phone. Am I saying, "Look at me, I don't need it?" It's not that I don't need it; I choose to live without it. Am I dysfunctional for not wanting a phone? Probably. Yet our relationship with technology has blurred the line between natural being and artificial machines.

Communication is an integral part of the human condition and required for emotional links to our family and friends. Yet, comments and phones like these remind me of technological pornography: an addiction designed to rub you all the right ways. These phones remind me of substance abuse. It is good to have a phone, of course it is... but there must be a limit between use and abuse. There is now a generation that has never lived without smart phones, who have never lived without the Internet, a generation of people dependent on electrons pushed through never-ending wires, eternal radio transmissions, an endless vista of pure silicon and gleaming metals. The amount of information overload in our society is staggering, and this double-edged sword will continue to whet and sharpen... but when will it actually sever and separate the truth from fiction?

A book called Brave New World postulated that in the future there will be so much information that the powers that be will be able to control the masses through things they like, not things they fear. The amount of data that is processed through our heads has reached a point where we have difficulty distinguishing fantasy from reality, what is trivial from what is important, what is true from what is false. Objects bubble up in the maelstrom into the awareness of the public consciousness, then quickly sink and fade into obscurity: Ruby Ridge and Waco are the first things that come to mind. Things happen and then they vanish, only to be mentioned as a blurb in the history books. There was once a time when people remembered. Now we happily drown in a sea of solipsism, engrossed to the point of dissociation.

Okay, I'm done. No, I'm not on anything. I wish I was, then I could forget...

Yes, I'm crazy. I must be the only one.

and yeah, soon I won't be able to resist the lure of smart phone, either. But not yet.

Comment Re:Willing to bet.. (Score 1) 1706

Treating other humans like animals is not the hallmark of civilization, nor the pinnacle of human excellence. It's rather the opposite. Am I the only one who sees innocent people being castrated under your policy? I noted that you didn't imply chemical castration, but rather physical castration, and along with the underlying tone of your sentences, this says to me that you posted this message with vengeance and ill will in your heart. Or you were trying to be funny - and I stand for your right to joke, even if I may find it tasteless.

If you treat another human as an animal, guess what that makes you? Some might say it makes you less than human. While I might find distaste for your ideology, I will still treat you as human because that is the fundamental privilege that you deserve. Do you see how that works now? Treating others as animals never ends well.

Do you also throw statutory rape into the mix? 17-year-olds getting castrated because they had sex with a willing 16-year-old (in states where that is illegal)? I assume so, or you would have made an exception. Do you support the uterus and ovaries being physically ripped out of a woman rapist? Or do you only have hangups with men?

I take it that you support the death penalty for rapists? Treat them like an animal and all that. Do you take them out back and put them down like a lame horse? Are you aware that castrating a human male carries risks of death? Don't tell me you don't have an emotional stake in the game. Emotions have no place in a court of law. Your statement reeks of vigilantism to me.

Do I support rapists? No. We have laws against it, and those laws carry punishment of stints in prison, but the punishment varies depending on the severity of the crime. Your solution attempts to cover a wide range of circumstances with a one-size-fits-all answer, and as history can tell you... solutions such as yours are barbaric and not fit to be found in a modern and equal society. I also do not approve of castrations for convicted pedophiles or others, perhaps not even if they ask for it - because it is too likely to be coercion from law enforcement or others. Or chopping the hands off of thieves. The state does not have the right to sever body parts. I also do not support the death penalty, even though I live in Texas.

Obviously, your three sentences struck an emotional chord in me, or I wouldn't have bothered to reply, and I'm not acting like your words didn't affect me. I just feel revulsion at the idea of innocent people subject to punishments that can not be reversed.

Comment Re:Myth? (Score 1) 326

This would be a form of cognitive dissonance, yes. But dissonance runs both ways: those with college degrees will, by definition, value them for the hard work and money that they represent. It is only with great fortitude that those with college degrees could admit to themselves that the degree they spent so much time and money for may not be worth what they believe it is worth.

A lot of people can see something that's not there. That's very common. It's very rare for a person to appear who can see something for exactly what it is.

It's also why poor people tend to be the most generous. They know what hard work is worth and value it appropriately. Those who get something for nothing tend to have difficulty in evaluating and appreciating the proper value of their proceeds.

Comment Re:What do we think? We don't know! (Score 1) 225

Boy, how can I forget that! It said I was going to be sued by Metallica for downloading one of their albums off Napster at the time. I laughed my ass off when I got that email. I found it hilarious, but I guess if Lars jumped me outside of my house and beat the living crap out of me I might have felt differently. Since that didn't happen, it sure made me think that Metallica was just a bunch of little bitches.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a pussy, but damn did that make them look like cunts.

Comment Re:the sad thing is people will buy it (Score 1) 156

Saw these at an Exxon in Houston last week. They automatically turn on when you begin pumping gas, and turn off when you stop pumping. To stop winos from watching TV, or something. The one I saw was showing the local weather with ads on the sides/corners, which isn't too bad, I guess. I still found it somewhat annoying.

Comment Re:Micro Center (Score 1) 322

How is what he said different than what you said? He wasn't lying.

Saying his password is "a secret" is simply a more tactful way of saying, "I don't want to give that to you." If the cashier is female she might even smile. Your version is more formally correct but also a little blunt. I'm not saying his way is necessarily better, but I don't think what he says is a lie. He's not saying his e-mail is Top Secret government information. The cashier can tell from context that he is trying to be polite in his declination.

Comment Re:...Or you could just not go to porn sites (Score 1) 430

Taking into consideration that god is the source of all suffering, knowing he exists doesn't make the suffering he imposes any easier on those who happen to be under His heel. Rather, it seems to be a way for God-believers to convince themselves that their suffering is only temporary and has meaning. It's difficult to admit to a child cancer patient that the reason he or she is suffering is completely random or out of anyone's control, and that their suffering is pointless (well, ok, it gives you character if you happen to survive).

Just because god is love doesn't mean he's not cruel.

Comment Re:Technology (Score 1) 388

You mentioned cooking. I would say that the art of cooking is one of the trades that has not been duly changed by technology, bar one invention. That was the electric mixer/food processor.

Sure, you can go buy a Sara Lee cheesecake from the freezer section. You can go buy a boxed/frozen apple pie. But I guarantee that if you had my apple pie first, you would find the frozen one rather unappealing.

While frozen phyllo dough and cookie/biscuit dough like Pillsbury has helped bring at least some semblance of proper food to the masses (I'm probably excommunicated for saying that), the modern household really lost something when the people (usually Mom or Grandma) who spent a huge part of their lives in the kitchen now go out and find careers. The art of cooking, as handed down through families through the generations, has dwindled to only a facet of what it once was.

Usually, the family doesn't know how, what or why dinner is being made and served. They just want it to taste oh so good... and they know Grandma has been in the kitchen since seven that morning... but they have no idea the amount of work that was involved when making an apple pie, or the labor of love that is scratch buttermilk biscuits slathered with butter and dipped in white gravy (they don't realize that the almost hidden bite of the biscuit is the pinch of cayenne pepper, and that the palate-filling wholeness is sharp cheddar secretly dropped into the batter). They totally take for granted how the crust of the pie is flaky beyond belief and melts in the mouth, and the apples have just the right amount of butter and cinnamon and chopped to just the right size.

They love it, but they only know that Grandma is a kitchen witch. Cooking in the kitchen is like casting spells: poof, banana bread appears because you feel like having banana bread... and it's the good kind where the bananas were almost black before you use them, to spread that lovely pungent flavor through the bread and form that amazingly delicate texture. No one else knows what's involved except another kitchen witch.. er, cook.

Many cooks disdain anything but a paring knife, a butcher/chef knife, a wooden spoon, proper measuring spoons and cups, and a mixer. Who wants me to make cheesecake?

Comment Lactulose (Score 1) 392

I've had chronic constipation for years now, although it's been especially bad in the last sixth months - like not going for a couple of weeks at a time, not going when using stimulant laxatives, and requiring frequent enemas to stay unplugged. I take docusate sodium, a stool softener, every day. I eat fiber, exercise, drink lots of water (30+ oz a day), drink prune juice on a daily basis, and take magnesium supplements. I've also tried regular mineral oil (before sleep) and it didn't help, either. I've also tried minimizing my amitriptyline dose and that hasn't helped as I need some minimum amount of it to go to sleep at night.

The main culprit is amitriptyline, which I am prescribed to control my sleeping patterns and as an anti-depressant (along with Bupropion). It has anticholinergic activity.

I went to see a doctor last week about it. I explained all of my issues and what I've tried so far. I suggested lactulose, because a friend of mine's father is also on amitriptyline and has the same constipation issues, and that's what he was prescribed. I went and looked it up at the time (I know, shouldn't be an armchair physician) and was surprised to read about how effective it was, how it's not a stimulant laxative so there's no concern about laxative dependency. It's a sugar alcohol and apparently extremely effective.

Wikipedia says of Lactulose, "Lactulose is sold over the counter (without prescription) in most countries in the world. In the United States and Austria, it requires a prescription over unfounded fears that it could be dangerous to diabetics. However, it is an indigestible sugar and has been proved to be safe even for them."

So when I talked to the doctor (a GP that I had never met before; I have no family doctor), she refused to prescribe it to me, saying that it can lead to vitamin deficiency and she didn't want to put someone on Lactulose without them being in a serious medical condition. She told me to just keep taking stimulant laxatives whenever I need them and didn't seem to be aware that laxative dependency even exists at all. I had to walk out afterwards with nothing, looking at the long weeks and months ahead where I'm going to be very uncomfortable on a regular basis and it's a considerable source of anxiety for me.

If they would sell Lactulose OTC I would be very grateful. I'm not looking forward to having to continue to deal with this problem, but I have no choice.

Comment Re:So why the right hand? (Score 1) 258

You say this like you expect the world to have conformed. We don't. I'm left-handed and my hand drags right through all the stuff I write. All of my life I have dealt with ink drops or pencil smudges along the side of my left palm. I still write frequently and have been unable to adjust to any other style. I understand that it's completely my fault for having ink or pencil on my hand all the time.

I also write in print instead of cursive (which looks more alien by the day).

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