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Comment Re:They collected $75,000... (Score 3, Insightful) 650

I'm one of those crackpots that think land ownership should be meaningful

And not much else...yes, we know. You fail to think critically about things like "improperly installed pools can leak and your neighbor'ss basement" or "are you putting that pool directly under power lines" or " did you bother to make sure there were no gas lines buried under the area you're thinking of putting your pool" or "did you know your property once used a septic tank...which is currently under the area in which you wish to place a pool" or "making sure there's proper fencing with locks to keep the neighbor's kids out of your pool when no one's watching so they don't drown". Yes, I went with the "won't someone please think of the children argument" because there's too many people who feel they should be allowed to be in a society and benefit from it without contributing too much personal responsibility as they do so.

There's a reason other people call people like you crackpots.

Comment Re:Huh?! (Score 2, Interesting) 374

Hmmm...it's tough to tell if your post is an example of Poe's Law or not. Either you're a complete crackpot, or you're a brilliant satirist.

Third parties airing their opinions in the public debate is an 'end-run' around our political system?

"Third parties"? Interesting that you would phrase it that way. In our political system, there is the electorate and the elected. By definition, anyone not of those two groups would be outside of our political system and thus not entitled to engage in it. To suggest that a piece of paper, which is all a corporation really is, is entitled to the same level of Constitutional freedoms as a living, breathing human being is, well, inane. What's next? The right to bear arms? "Dear employees, in accordance with our company's 2nd Amendment rights, all employees are being issued a sidearm for use in protecting corporate IP..."

Why are you so afraid of free speech?

Question cocked and loaded, huh?

Do you think the American people are too stupid to see corporate speech and decide for themselves?


Comment Re:Isn't that what withholding is for? (Score 1) 374

I thought withholding accomplished that for you -- they take what they think they're owed before you ever see your pay.

Who's they? Your employer? 'Cause it's only your employer that would take taxes out of your pay. And they do it to make your life simpler. The problem is, in any given year the tax code is often not complete until around Feb/March of the following year. You employer makes their own best guess as to what you would probably owe, withhold it from your paycheck and send it on to the government. The end of year forms are primarily a correction to ensure the government has gotten every penny it thinks it should.

Comment Re:More Info & Dashboard (Score 1) 1657

No one is doubting Global Warming.

That's simply not true. There's a large contingency of folks who are outright denying even the temp rises. They're typically the mindless followers of Beck & Limbaugh.

By "solar weather theory" are you referring to the false arguments that AGW is caused by cosmic rays and/or temps are increasing on other planets? If so, no problem. Here's 34 different scientific papers that refute each aspect of them. :)

So, you ready to change your business model now?

Comment Re:Emulation is no longer possible (Score 1) 492

Such systems do not exist.

Yet. The systems capable of running Atari 2600 emulators didn't exist at the time, either.

It comes down to the fact that computers are not getting faster, but getting more parallel instead. Emulation of a serial instruction stream cannot be parallelized in software.

The Xbox & Xbox 360 are nothing more than PCs running a super-specialized version of Windows. As mentioned, the Wii is emulatable. Future consoles will no doubt use technology similar to what's in your PC (multi-cored, like the PS3 potentially could've been with the Cell processors). There is no reason to believe that what's available today will not show up as an emulator in the future.

Comment Re:This is clearly a hoax (Score 1) 989

Okay, which god? Are they teaching that Marduk slew Tiamat by cutting her in two and used the halves to create the land and sky? Are they teaching that Brahma split a lotus flower into three. That he stretched one part into the heavens, another part into the earth, and the third part of the flower he created the skies?

Or, are they telling the story of Adam and Eve, a story which the people who follow the religion it's based on don't believe to be a factual story? If it's the latter, they're forcing their religious beliefs on everyone in the state in direct violation of what the founding fathers intended. In that case, the entire state of Louisiana should be moved to the Middle East where theocracies are better tolerated. They also hate the US as much as the folks of LA apparently do and thus would be welcomed with open arms.

Now, if they were teaching Christian creationism and asking serious questions like "if all of the animals departed the ark at the same time, why is it marsupials only settled in Australia? You'd think at least one or two species would've gotten tired on the way to that continent and settled in India or something, yet they all skipped all of the intervening land to settle in Australia." But, I'm sure the kind of "critical thinking" they're pretending they want to implement doesn't ask the tough questions of their silly fairy stories.

Comment Re:Why didn't they fix it? (Score 1) 383

HP. We only buy the "previous", and thus well-tested, generations. Ensure our firmware and drivers are the latest. Run stress tests on the machine before putting into production. It's really not that hard. That's why we're pulling all the Unix stuff out. Everything revenue-generating and client-facing is 100% Windows. The Unix team couldn't come close to matching us for uptimes and performance.

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