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Comment Re:Give it a few tries and go with what's fastest (Score 1) 514

Well, in my case there is no water or fertilizer. If it doesn't rain, the grass turns brown. The place was a cow pasture for 100 years. It's in the local watershed, so building is restricted. It takes about 3 gallons of Diesel per month to run the tractor.
I guess we could change the zoning laws and pack a Wall Mart and a Home Depot on the land. Or maybe a bunch of condos and parking lots. Would that be less wasteful?
As it is now, the fields and woods in the neighborhood filter the rainwater as it runs to the town's drinking source.
By my estimation (and the people who live in the town), it's not a waste of land.

Comment Re:Give it a few tries and go with what's fastest (Score 2) 514

It looks an awful lot like the solution in TFA is just:

1. Follow the perimeter

2. Make concentric, slightly overlapping passes until you reach the center

That's about what I do with my 5 acre lawn.

As a P.S., what's with all the people hating on big lawns? I'm not rich or wasteful, it's a rental. It was a big old farm in the 1800s.
I have chickens and dogs, and a vegetable garden.
My wife and kid love it. We do fun shit outside. Ease up /.ers. -Rico

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