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Comment Re:Psystar winning would be terrible for Microsoft (Score 1) 640

1. Guest account bug that wipes ALL the user's data
Sure, that's bad. However, how widespread was it? Did the bug appear when installing the OS 'as usual'?

2. All the bugs plaguing the system that should "just work" on a platform with a small known set of hardware. Very weak.
No software will ever be 100% free of bugs. I have encountered fewer hardware-related bugs while using a Mac than I did when I used Windows.

3. Vastly inferior library available of software compared to Windows
Vastly smaller, obviously yes for obvious reasons. Inferior? How?

4. Lack of choice. Choice to run on any hardware you please.
This is only valid if you actually want the choice. If you do, of course you won't get a Mac. Having had fiddling around with hardware as my hobby for many years (and as my every day nuisance amidst my every day computer usage), I finally made the choice to move to a platform where fiddling isn't required. Instead the computer mostly does what I expect it to do when I do my daily tasks with it. Just like any household device. It isn't perfect, but it's better than my previous computer.

The other side of the choice coin is uncertainty about proper function of the hardware. It's not Microsoft's fault (how could they know what kind of crap people cram into their boxes?), and like you said, there are hardware problems on the Mac side of things, too. Just less in general, though.

Comment Re:Psystar winning would be terrible for Microsoft (Score 1) 640

Sooo, because Apple brainwashed me with their superior marketing and shiny toys, I chose to switch to a Mac from Windows.

And because of Apple's superior marketing, they brainwashed me to believe that my user experience and productivity is much better in OS X.

Of course, it really isn't. It's just marketing and Teh Shiny looks. Now mod me insightful.

Comment Re:First post... (Score 1) 830

I like the clickwheel as much as the next Machead, but there's one really, really stupid thing about iPod usability: you shut it down by holding down 'play'. That's just as bad as shutting down your computer by clicking 'Start'. Why not the center button? Why? Did Steve have a brain fart when he approved this?

Comment Re:First post... (Score 1) 830

Sorry about throwing the troll some fodder.

There are... lemme see... four, yes, 4 ways to do a "right-click" in OS X. Five actually, if you're using a unibody MacBook. So the answer to your question is... no.

As for the general behavior of Windows vs. OS X, I like how OS X isn't trying to steal your attention at every turn. Compared to Windows, you get very few popups, warnings etc. You rarely even get a sound. Vista, of course, is the most extreme in-your-face OS experience. I wonder how Windows 7 will treat the user.

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