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Comment Re:Could we please stop spreading this myth? (Score 1) 206

>Ha ha - so you're saying that Muslim countries are safe for being Muslim-run eh? You're a dolt! All you get is a violent police state, and women trapped in bad marriages, and fixed elections, and academics stoned for theories. Sharia is spreading because otherwise the Al-Q guys will kill everyone anyway and like i said, most people just want a quiet life, but maybe I should have also mentioned that most people also want to be free and this is in fact concordant with Islam - but Al-Q are nothing to do with Islam - they're just thugs. "We the people" just want to be left the f**k alone to practice our religion and download free music and have affairs and behave immorally in private and morally in public. Don't need Sharia or Al-Q or The Jebus Channel to tell us what to do.

You dont get stoned for fucking - you get stoned for fucking somebody else's wife - you want your poon, get her to divorce and marry the bitch.
And there isn't any IP in sharia either. Nor endemic speculation either. So what *is* your complaint?

>Peace is not always better than war ... freedom is the thing -

Peace is always better; war is (and should always be) the absolute last resort; and none of this
pre-emptive crap or supplying arms to anyone who will buy them and not expecting to get sucked into the war you help create.

>and being left the f**k alone to be free. I want to be free from the spectre of terrorism

you'll never be free - you fear to much. There will always be *something* you fear that justifies the suffering you bring.

> and if the way to do that is to bomb the f**k out of somewhere then so f**king be it. .....

> I also want women to be unsuppressed in all countries, so if bit of violence gets that done then so be it - suffragettes did it didn't they?

Suffragettes got what they wanted by persistence in the face of adversity; this is known as character.

Comment Re:Could we please stop spreading this myth? (Score 1) 206

>You make it sound like they were all reasonable before and now the US stuck its nose in the whole thing's gone tits up.
What they say they want - the end of foreign influence in Muslim countries and an Islamic caliphate - might have been achievable, eventually, through the political / religious process - tough going, but like for all us suckers eventually doable if enough people liked the idea; but they don't
they do - Nigeria, northern region wants sharia courts,
Afghanistan, sharia courts,
Safest Province in Phillipines, is a muslim-run one.

>maybe because their requirement would lead to total isolation of Islamic countries and effectively would require all non Islamic countries to either kick out all Muslims or let them establish the caliphate there too.

let them establish - lol - we've had 2 already and there will be more - your permission is not necessary. And what really pops the powers that be is the no usury prohibition - how else would they inflate the currency, rob the masses and run their wars? HMMMM. and considering how things are going in the west, a little isolation from your neighbors house that is on fire is a *good* thing. The west is the one lobbing flaming wreckage all over the rest of the world.

> Bum steer for all the normal people who just want to live their life in safety and happiness.

Violent crime is neglible in muslim countries, same goes for theft - protection of life and property, hmmmm. So you can't screw outside of marriage, maybe thats because its a *good* thing - did I mention that STDs are also non-existent by comparison to Western standards..

> Guess no one would really support them, so they chose to kill innocent civilians and young men and women instead because that makes them look like soldiers and heroes instead of the cowardly morons they actually are. So if you define SPECTRE as a bunch of miserable low lifes who like to kill - then that's what they are.

As opposed to carpet bombing civilians and mining somebody elses country?
What a hypocrite you are. Learn some history, at least - learn some of your countries history.
Hell I'ld settle for current events.

*Peace is always better then war, regardless of the reason* - give'm what they want, stop meddling in their affairs.
It's a small mind that thinks that control over others is necessary to survival.

Comment Montreal just had a science fair ... (Score 1) 799

that rocked, tons of companies/engineers/scientists set up booths from companies and offered interactive science stuff (oriented for kids and adults).

I really really enjoyed the couple of hours I spent there - I would have spent alot more time on-site if I had known it was going on :P

Anyway, there was a pair of "scientists" who were putting on a show (basically mad scientists) old-school style, they had bunsen burners, hookah's, old-school acetylene oil-can torches, shrinkwrap and the like and they did a skit that had me _rolling_ in the aisles. And mind you I dont speak a word of french :P :)

Very talented fellows, I think they were hired by Merck (or work for them) - either actors or scientists who _really_ like getting kids excited about science.

My hats off the gents they did a fantastic job.

Hardware Hacking

Submission + - 10 Game-Changers: From Transistor to Palm Pre (

CWmike writes: "From sensors to fuzzy Web searches and Palm Pre/webOS's promise to unify social networks and Web services, these 10 technologies have the potential of causing a tectonic shift in the landscape, writes John Brandon. The Pre and webOS? It's unclear how the webOS will make it easier to log in once for multiple services — since Palm has not released specifics yet — but the idea is to only need to log in on one screen on the mobile device, which then logs into all of the other social networks and e-mail systems you use. 'Social networks are not only increasingly interconnected but tie into other devices like cell phones and activities like online shopping, travel planning and entertainment," says analyst Rob Enderle, explaining that there is a need to unify the many social networks we use."

Comment Re:Is anyone surprised? (Score 1) 784

>Well, just hope you are not in the next group they decide needs an ass raping.

lol. I am not a thief.

>Now, Obama and this Imperial Congress are talking about regulating the compensation of companies that did not take any TARP funds. It is not the government's business what a private company pays its employees.

Perhaps, now it is.

>And something you may not realize is that the hated "financial", like it or not is the only vehicle we have to achieve wealth. Your 401k grows because of his sector, your pension fund, your bank savings account. Unless you are on a cash only lifestyle and stuff your mattress with the leftovers, then you have every reason to wish the "financial" sector good fortune and high returns.

Speak for yourself; I am manufacturing - you know the act of producing a physical good by processing raw inputs and creating value. The only wealth financial sector creates is that of inflation, which *eats away* at my net worth, not increases it. Sure I could sell out and join the ranks of the pump-n-dumpers and the like and screw the rest of the population, but sad to say, I do have ethics. And yes, I am in a cash-only lifestyle, and yes, I do spend it as quick as it comes in on account the dollar is continually devaluing/inflating due to these decade-oriented cycles of theft and fraud.

>Yes, your 401k is down now, but will be back up. Empirical evidence shows this to be true. And if it doesn't go back up A) It won't be the fault of AIG, and B) You will have more to worry about that what some dumbass executives are getting paid.

My friend, when the dumbass executive has his handle on the printing press, nothing you could say will ever lessen my desire to a) have him restrained physically and b) beaten if he prints to much.

I'm not mean, I want a level playing field where everyone can prosper. But when f*cknuts are being rewarded left and right without regard to the consequences of their actions, then I say putting foot-to-mouth is an appropriate response. That goes for lawyers, bankers, insurance agents and anyone else who has a building wreathed in marble but doesn't actually *physically* provide a service or a good.

If you can't see this country is in decline in the last 50 years, then my friend, they should stick you in a minimum-wage job forcibly for 2 years and then ask your opinion again.

Comment Re:Is anyone surprised? (Score 1) 784

>Regardless, it sends the wong message. It is a violation of the spirit of equal protection any way you look at it.
>And as I said, if they get away with it, then no one is safe from their grubby, greedy, corrupt hands.

Except in this case the people that are being targeted *are* the grubby, greedy, corrupt hands.
Congress has the power to tax, they did so (to correct an injustice in dispensation of public funds).
I don't see the problem. Personally I would have told them to stiff the contracts and go through the
courts (which addresses AIG's bonuses but not the systemic corruption as a whole). Now they know
that if they screw with the federal government, the broom handle will be up their butts faster than
they can wire a numbered swiss bank account. I have no problems with that.... Personally I think
congress should be ass-raping more of the financial sector. Sticking them in prison isn't working,
attack their fundamental motivation - greed.

Comment Re:I knew it! (Score 1) 610

>Quantum events adhere to statistical measurements, but any given event is truly random.

Statistical Measurements adhere to quantum events....

>You can say that half of the uranium in a given sample will decay in a certain amount of time, but you cannot predict when any single particle will decay, and it's not just because you don't have enough information.
>It's because the event is truly random.

Trivial to predict ;)
Contact me for details.

Comment Re:Is anyone surprised? (Score 1) 784

> AIG would have filed for bankruptcy and these contracts would have been nullified

that is exactly what they are trying to prevent. The payout in this case, serves a public interest.

Unless you want to go straight to a ghetto-economy for 90+% of the world.

Personally I'm not so keen on shooting people in self-defense of self and property.
I'm even less keen on a life of banditry, and/or gradual starvation.

Open your eyes, please. We're teetering on a horrible period of grinding poverty for an
extended amount of time....

Comment Re:Is anyone surprised? (Score 1) 784

Actually, in this case, no (imho).

If they had specifically mentioned AIG then yes; since they linked it to extra-ordinary public financing of private institutions, no.
There's nothing that says you can't set a different taxrate for a group of people provided you're not singling out *people* (e.g. a
bill of attainder). It is a small hair, but a legally significant one.

E.G. Smoker sin taxes on a privately funded healthcare system are legal...

It also passes ex post facto because they made the rate effective for this tax-year (not last tax-year).

Now, personally, I think this sends the right message - which is if you screw with the federal government, they will in turn, screw you
far worse. Poverty is far more distressing to a thief than prison.

My only regret is that it is not a *lifetime* tax rate with the equivalent (if you'll excuse my coining of a phrase) intra-dition (e.g.
unable to emigrate or leave the country under any circumstance).

Comment Re: brilliant and dangerous? (Score 1) 1134

>>I get arrogant all the time; I'm also the person people come to when they're having: a) legal problems b) medical problems c) life problems d) work-related problems e) loans f) cheering up... GROW UP, GET A THICKER SKIN and READ/LEARN OUTSIDE OF WORK.

>I think that you're pretty much a liar. You're painting yourself as not just a great developer but an all-round superman, yet all I hear is the dime-a-dozen coder giving one of his usual stream of consciousness rants. You are so laughably confident in yourself, convinced that you know what makes for good development practice and for general progress, and so sure about what's good and what's bad in others. ... said the anonymous user... lol ;)

>And yet the hallmark of your message is, "my way or fuck off!"

and its my business - so it is *my way* or fuck off. I've never had a problem enforcing it, either at my business
or any other business I've worked for.

>No, documentation for paulgrant is just a sign of bad coding; if an algorithm is complex, why "link to a paper"!

If an algorithm is tricky is what I said (as in subtle) - where you need to understand the *theory* of it; thats
why you would link to a paper. Of course if all you're coding is bubblesort, certes I could understand why you
consider that un-natural and useless.

>Do you regularly precisely implement algorithms from academic papers, paulgrant?

Unique algorithms are by definition unique, and usually presented in academic papers... If it wasn't, I wouldn't be using
their paper, now would I? There are many ways to skin a cat but always one way to do it optimally. A paper is nothing more
than a useful way of documenting a non-trivial algorithm. And if as a developer, you cant read an academic paper detailing
an algorithm and code from it, who's at fault? Me for being able to do so, or you for *not* being able to do is ;)

>Tell me, who are you? What great things have you achieved? Why should I listen to you over hundreds of brilliant
mathematicians and scientists since the Renaissance who have kept in relative obscurity those who have posthumously
shown to be great thinkers but contributed little toward scholarship because they were awful communicators? Even
if you were Fermat - and there's no doubt that you are not - you would still never be Euler.

Suren' I keep my thoughts to myself and certes it isn't for an inability to communicate ;) I say precisely what I mean,
neither more, nor less. And I don't waste my time with arguing with fools. If you're interested in scholarship you are
always welcome at my doorstep, be it creative, professional, technical or scientific... If your only critique is both
anonymous and misguided, what more is there to say other than I suggest you never come work for me ;) Both your ignorance
and your slovenly thinking will be exposed.

Ciao ;)

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