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Comment Re:Minitel and trumpet winsock. (Score 4, Interesting) 58

For god sake, when you have no fracking clue on a topic at least be kind enough to keep away from writing aboot it.

The minitel was never design for competing against the internet. It was put in place in the early 80' way before even rtc modem became affordable at times were few people had computers and barely anyone had heard aboot BBSs.

In fact, the minitel allowed with a serial cable to be used as a 1200/75bps modem for your computer. At the military/scientific level sure it appeared after tcp/ip networks, but for the public, it was here first and stayed there alone for a long time...

Comment Re:Bad Summary (Score 2) 255

Check on all governemental subsidies before claiming nuclear power is disadvantaged...

And don't even get me started on the "Price-Anderson" tricks...

Once again, it's not the chance of an accident happening the big factor. It's the extend of the damage when such accident happens.

(Check out "we almost lost Detroit" for a better historical perspective of these shenanigans)

Comment it can be in fact a much better option. (Score 1) 284

Guys, you are totally missing the big picture. If Monsanto sell only their sterile seeds, that also means there is no way for their crap to cross polinate and takeover the original non modified seeds. That is BRAZILIUN times safer for everyone... no more accidental contamination.

Now Monsanto deserve to die, but for once... their greed is good... from an ecological standpoint...

Comment Not so fast guys... (Score 4, Insightful) 498

"' Dorner, who was fired from the LAPD in 2008 for lying about a fellow officer he accused of misconduct"

You seems to be drinking the cool aid too easily. Every other source, the lapd over reaction and Dorners manifesto lead to believe that corruption coverups and raw incompetence was the name of the game for Lapd.

Ok Dorner is enemy public #1
but the LAPD looks like a fitting enemy public #2 and not just because they are shooting at anyhthing looking even remotely like a Nissan Pickup truck...

Comment Re:I am not an expert on radiation by any means (Score 1) 111

>>> I am not an expert on radiation by any means....

Then you should work for Tepco or the Japanese governement... your seems to have the same skillset...

With maybe too much common sense...

The japanese refused the help from the French when they offered to send their nuclear disaster radiation hardened robots...
(Because, YES radiation is pounding on electronic, but shielding a robot is not rocket surgery, at least when you prepare for the problem before it happens when you have time to develop, test and build properly a solution instead of waiting for the whole plant to be on fire)

Now , 1 year later... hem... 1 year too late... they come up with a new way to risk human life in order to win porkbarrell contract to sell their nonsensical exoskeleton...

Way to go people...

If only Mc Arthur could come back to fix this mess...

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