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Comment Re: I'm so mad, I almost want to vote for (Score 1, Insightful) 618

How about we do one better, we see what the ACTIONS of what someone like Trump, who makes products actually does versus what he SAYS.

Oh, you're all quiet all of a sudden? What happened? Yeah, you drank it all, didn't you? Quit smiling at me with those blue mouths!

Comment Re:Numbers don't agree with you. (Score 1) 82

I believe he is speaking of triple A games. Which tend to outsell their PC counterparts nearly 4:1. Yes, computer gaming is still technically driving more money because of Steam and it's endless sales on Euchre clones and Bubblepop Plus. The fremium games and such that everyone plays on their facebook goes into those sales numbers, too.

Comment Re:Will she pardon here self and him once she gets (Score 1) 592

Not true. Her server was allowed, as it was grandfathered in under the new regulation. What was not allowed, and the center of the discussion, is if classified emails were sent to and from this server. Which was never allowed. It's right to exist was found legal.

The real problem here is the investigative team which is mostly Republicans have been found to have their own email servers, and, surprise, may have also sent classified emails. It's kind of like the prosecutor going after a murderer and being found to have also murdered someone. This case will not make it far at all.

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