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Comment Re:Inequality is meaningless (Score 1) 509

How about Venezuela? The rich and poor are starving down there you know..

The rich are starving nowhere.

Here’s another thing a lot of people seem unaware of - welfare has been dead in the US for twenty-five years now. While we hand out billions in corporate welfare, we cannot stand to see poor people being helped. For some reason, that’s the thing that drives people nuts. Meanwhile, American workers no longer have pensions to look forward to, and their wages have been stagnant for so long, no one has any savings. After a lifetime of work, they end up either living in poverty, or working until they drop. But, I guess it’s ok because, being impoverished in the richest country in the World, they’re better off than the schmucks in poor countries. Assuming that’s even true. I know it’s a rare country that gives workers less paid vacation time than the US. I wouldn’t be surprised if they do better on pensions, too.

Comment Re:The key is not getting caught (Score 2) 665

Trump won because there are a lot of foolish Americans who bought up the line of shit Trump was selling.

Really, Trump was just able to take advantage of the atmosphere created by the right-wing media over many years. Trump was simply the first guy to put down the dog whistle and pick up a megaphone, thus taking the party away from the more squeamish Republicans. This is what Trump does - he makes money by slapping his name on other people’s work.

Because of the shameless right-wing media, we have a large portion of the electorate living in an alternate reality. Many years of Fox News and right-wing radio created it, and this is why they were primed for Trump’s ridiculous promises. The Russians love this, of course. Not only are Americans divided over nonsense issues the other half doesn’t even know about, (heard about the upcoming Anftifa coup?), they have a fool in the White House.

Comment Re:Don't be Google. (Score 1) 247

Eric, as you know, was the one who didn't recuse himself from Apple's board even when he learned about the iPhone. Either he was trying to steal the iPhone or if you really beleive he wasn't and Google was already planning their own, then you have to ask why he didn't recuse himself.

I’m sure it just a coincidence that Android looked almost exactly like iOS.

Comment Re:SubjectIsSubject (Score 1) 214

Of course he can. It's his personal account.

Donald Trump is no longer a private citizen. And the fact that he uses Twitter to make public policy pronouncements underscores this. Nor does Twitter treat his account like that of a private citizen. After all, they’re not going to ban him when he violates Twitter’s terms of service, such as the prohibition on using Twitter to make threats of violence, (such the one directed at North Korea).

Comment Re: Sounds Like a Customer Friendly Policy To Me B (Score 1) 335

your a doosh

At least you spelled “a” correctly. Allow me to give you a little tip: If you’re going to insult someone in print, you always want to have your spelling and grammar correct. Otherwise, you just end up looking stupid yourself. For instance, if I were to call you a sub-literate moron, but spelled something incorrectly, you can see how it’d take all the sting out of it. Of course, a sub-literate moron probably wouldn’t notice the difference.

Comment Re:Is this sarcasm? (Score 1) 564

This isn't "before" anybody's time. Broadcast TV has been available continuously for the guy's entire life.

Yeah, but who uses it? I wasn’t even sure broadcasting went on anymore, although I’ve never really been a TV watcher, (I don’t have cable, either).

But kids, here are some tips from the 1960s: Wrap tinfoil around the antennas to increase reception. You can also get some extra antenna cable and hang them out the window. Rabbit ears want a lot of manipulation! For best reception, you want an external antenna on the roof. If the channel knob comes off, or gets lost or broken, keep a small pair of pliers on top of the set. If you want something more permanent, attach a small pair of vice-grips. If the picture goes all fuzzy, smack the side of the set. Begin by smacking it softly, working your way up until it works. When smacking the set stops working altogether, you’ll want to open up the back and reset all the tubes, (pull ‘em out, and plug ‘em back in). Don’t forget to unplug the set first. Hope this helps!

Comment Re:Checked... (Score 1) 543

I'd jump at the chance. I'd get a decent paycheck for the period I stuck it out, and I'd get 15 minutes of fame when I bailed. I'd also get $$$ for writing a book, giving an exclusive interview, whatever.

Oh yeah, I do it in a heartbeat. Excellent salary, healthcare and pension. I’d be set for life, no matter how short my tenure. But, I’m a nobody who has none of the things a job like that offers, and have no reputation to worry about. But, as Trump explicitly stated, he ain’t gonna hire no poor people, and I’m nowhere near being a billionaire. You?

Comment Re:Awesome! (Score 1) 153

I can hardly wait to buy all of the new parts to restore my 1925 Atwater Kent Tube Radio.

Luckily, they’re all easily available. That’s the beauty of tube equipment. My 1962 McIntosh preamp is still going strong, but I can’t imagine any electronics made recently will still work in fifty years. Or ten.
This whole notion that you don’t own the stuff you buy needs to die.

Comment Re:This will be quickly squashed. (Score 2) 153

Actually, without the right to repair, you throw it away, we're drowning in garbage and China sells more of the junk to us to replace what we had to throw away.

If anything, that "right to repair" is about the most pro-US thing you can do right now.

Right. I brought an iPod in for repair once, and when I went to pick it up I looked at it, and the chrome back was all scratched up. I’m like, “This isn’t my iPod”. Turns out, they don’t fix your iPod, they just give you a refurbished one. They ended up giving me a new one because I made a stink about the fact that mine had no scratches. Whether my original got refurbished, or tossed in the trash, I couldn’t say.

Comment Re:Let me guess.. (Score 1) 632

Everybody should cheer. The purpose of economic activity is to create goods and services, not "keeping people busy". If the same number of burgers can be delivered with less labor, that is a GOOD THING.

And where do you think people get money to buy burgers? Kiosks and robots don’t buy shit, and neither do unemployed people. Overseas markets will only sustain you until they’re all replaced by automation. Even a lunatic like Henry Ford understood that jobs = customers. It’s how the economy works.

Here’s another thing you don’t seem to understand: jobs and businesses are created by demand, not the other way around. Just because you have the money to open a widget factory doesn’t mean there will be jobs. There has to be demand. And if demand exists, people will find the money anyway. Demand comes from the bottom up, not the “supply side”. That’s why three decades of giving more money to the rich have simply made the rich richer, and the poor poorer, instead of “creating jobs” and growing the economy.

Comment Re:They're very useful - agreed. (Score 1) 489

And while everyone is running around with their hair on fire over "covfefe" and his other tweets, he's been quietly getting his agenda done. For an example, Jeff Sessions rolled back the Obama-era drug sentencing guidelines, resulting in the harshest possible sentences for drug offenders... which went almost unnoticed by the MSM.

Trump withdrew from the Paris accord, and Covfefe was the more searched term than Paris Climate Agreement.

Your side thinks he sabotages his schemes by these tweets.

The rest of us know (and Trump himself knows) that the tweets are meaningless and valueless in and of themselves, but they distract the MSM from what is really going on, and in a way that makes the left look like gibbering imbeciles.

He's been doing this since about *a year* prior to the election, and your side hasn't caught on even yet!

I don’t know what MSM you consume, if any, but the Sessions memorandum was covered extensively on NPR, and NPR spent days discussing the ramifications of the Paris pullout. I don’t know what Fox showed you, but the whole World was talking about it.

You think the tweets are “meaningless", and that his habit of blowing his own cover stories isn’t having an effect? This notion of Trump as master manipulator is just ridiculous. Trust me, I entertained the thought myself, way back during the campaign. It really is difficult to imagine that a presidential candidate could be so stupid. If anything about this administration has become obvious, it’s that Trump is a dolt, not all that much brighter than his voters, and less so than his apologists, who must spend their days putting out his fires, only to see Donald carelessly toss another match on them. What most of us can plainly see is that Trump is in way over his head. You won’t be able to kid yourself forever.

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