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Comment Re:Apple (Score -1, Flamebait) 332

Here we go, another FSF goon so socially inept that he assumes the rest of the population gives a damn about his autism enhanced pet peeve. Go back to your oscilloscopes and hipster slide rules. The rest of us have a life to live and enjoy.

Yes, it's unoriginal and probably a piss poor idea, but it's hardly because the $99 you pay will put her in the poor house or that you chose an iDevice as the target of your idiotic anger instead of the roughly 10 BILLION other devices that are the same way.

Comment Re:Don't listen to them. (Score 1) 519

This is +11 insightful.

"Also, avoid the motherfucking frameworks. You don't need them, at all."

I couldn't agree more. Frameworks in a web development environment, especially PHP are crutches for the ignorant.

I'm sure there will be a mountain of Jeremiah's and MVC/Framework prophets proselytizing and predicting my doom for this.

Comment Re:PHP is great (Score 4, Insightful) 519

This is completely true, but very unimportant. PHP under Apache (And really what serious professional would use anything else?) as a module and needs no threads; that's the job of the httpd daemon itself.

If you need threads; if your Java indoctrination only allows you to solve problems by creating huge monolithic applications, ignoring excellent work by engineers who are much, much smarter than you, then yeah... PHP won't cut it for you. You'll need a language that will be better suited to reinventing the wheel. That is definitely not PHP's strength.

(Ah, I love it when a good straw man argument comes together.)

Comment Re:nice fine ! (Score 2) 415

You do realize that "writing off" doesn't mean for free, right? At most, corporations in the US pay about a 15-35% tax rate. So, they saved at most 35% of the fine, the witness fee and other administrative costs.

I know it's en vogue to say that evil corporations can write things off like some magical free money printer, but educate yourself a little...

Comment Re:Your Child Can Turn on The TV Anytime (Score 1) 561

What in the holy hell are you talking about? When did I say sex was evil? Did you read my comment? The entire point, other than telling you to fuck off, was that you and the rest of the ignorant yuppies that make these tired, worn out arguments about violence vs. sex have absolutely no understanding about what you are talking about. The moment you sniff a parent who would like to exercise their prerogative and right to decide when is the right time to teach their children about sex, you start yammering about violence on TV and decrying people who want to shield their young children from age inappropriate subject matter.

Your comment: "but Gawd forbid he should via the intertubings see a human or vulva or penis, or one sliding into the other"

What is wrong with you that you are so keen on introducing sex to young children? No one is talking about the "birds and the bees" conversation here, we are talking about age inappropriate material. You like showing porn to kids?

Comment Re:Your Child Can Turn on The TV Anytime (Score 0) 561

Your kid can watch mayhem and murder and war on TV 24x7, but Gawd forbid he should via the intertubings see a human or vulva or penis, or one sliding into the other . Better put a chastity belt on your little sprat, lest he uncover the horrible vileness of procreative plumbing lurking betwixt his legs.

For fucks sake, every single time on of these types of stories are posted, cretins like you come out of the sewer to bitch and moan about how people who want to shield their young elementary school children from the complex issue involving sexual relationships are idiots who think sex is evil and the devil's tool.

Fuck. You.

You may be one of those dick heads who think it's entirely appropriate to watch porn on a plane, but personally, I'd rather be the one to teach my children about sex instead of being confused by what you and the rest of the internet superheroes think it actually is.

Comment Re:sad isn't it ? (Score 1) 916

LOL, prepare to be modded to troll here on slashdot. It's perfectly acceptable to make fun of the idiot hicks who believe in some space alien who created the universe, and just as equally acceptable that an exploding rock magically turned into a sentient species and a perfect ecosystem surrounding it.

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